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Everything posted by AtticusFinch

  1. Wow...we actually have a football team again
  2. Equal drunk is part of equal rights I guess...
  3. I've got moves like Jagger so I can dig it
  4. I know he wont be left off but he is a liability. 1/2 of his starts are shit
  5. There is really no reason for Keuchel to be on 25 man roster. He will be but it's a wasted spot because they have far better options. He will not start a game so would you trust him to pitch in relief?
  6. The fact that you cant see the far left is far more dangerous than the GOP leads me to believe you were never a Republican
  7. So they are basically tied with 3 million Trump haters on one side and 3 million Trump lovers on the other. Too bad there cant be a cage match to the death
  8. Judge people much?
  9. No there isnt. The attorney/client privilege exists for government lawyers.
  10. You mean privileged material while he was an attorney? They had good reason to
  11. So Feinstein did not withhold this information from the committee?
  12. This process has been going on for months while the information was literally hidden. They dont want to start over with someone else based on flimsy statements. Conveniently, she wont testify unless the FBI investigates but the FBI will not investigate this. It looks like nothing more than a delay tactic.
  13. No, I heard it had been scrubbed prior to the letter being released
  14. You state that as undisputed fact
  15. I wonder why Ford had all of her social media scrubbed.
  16. Being nominated for a federal judge and circuit court of appeals is pretty prominent.
  17. So now we are comparing this to terrorism
  18. From politifact... Tim Kaine falsely says Trump said 'all Mexicans are rapists'
  19. Of course support is slipping, people are sheep. If everyone with a microphone tells you someone is a rapist over and over, they will eventually believe it.
  20. No, the statement from Kaine that Trump stated "all Mexicans entering the US are rapists" is false
  21. Well, politifact rated it a false statement
  22. Some Mexicans entering the country are rapists. There was even a serial killer. The Railroad Killer.
  23. Yes, there would have been questions asked at his hearing. She could have testified. It would have been part of the process in place. Kavanah is the most scrutinized supreme court nominee in history. Congress was given unprecedented access to his records. The process is over. So now the Democrats want a recess to delay til after the midterms. Let's she if she tesrifies
  24. https://www.politifact.com/virginia/statements/2016/aug/08/tim-kaine/tim-kaine-falsely-says-trump-said-all-mexicans-are/ Trump never actually said that. He said some are. Shoot, 20% of all federal inmates are aliens. That's a lot of victims of crime. Why dont you go tell all those victims that illegal immigration is a good thing
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