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Everything posted by AtticusFinch

  1. I can see him now in the post apocalyptic world..."the media hates black people.."
  2. CNN would need to break away from stories of women describing Trump's penis. It would have to be a Yuge story.
  3. Making it hard for the endowment group. I guess they can live off the oil minerals as they have always done. Can I still buy a Coke at the football games?
  4. Running for the WH might kill Beto. He went from a mane full of light brown hair to all grey in 18 months.
  5. The Twinkie defense lives on!
  6. I wasn't being serious
  7. I think it was the NY Times but whatever. So she is pretending to be rich. Perhaps she should move to Dallas. She will fit right in.
  8. She'll be doing handspring's in no time
  9. Good Lord.
  10. Obama was much smarter and more cool than Trump. He got back at the press in other ways ...by spying and seizing records. All Trump does is be rude to them on Twitter.
  11. She definitely needs help with her math skills. Lives in NY, wears $3000 outfits but cant afford an apt in DC area.
  12. Stop beating women. #metoo
  13. I dont think anyone cares. I hope you have a safe space to go to when he wins reelection. I'm sure the university will supply coloring books and counseling for those that cant handle how their life will not change a bit as a result
  14. You mention voter fraud, here is a case you wont hear about unless you live in Hidalgo County. 14 people have been arrested for fraudulently moving voter registrations in the city limits of Edinburg to assist in local elections. Fraud is everywhere.
  15. Well, as a lawyer I receive and read multiple publications on interesting case resolutions so I'm prob more informed than you are on how things really turn out around the country
  16. I dont think I have. I might have been and laughed. I don't typically jump on people without knowing them which is the norm of many in here on the left. My point was I dont look at accusations and automatically check them off as facts. That is a responsible act. Nowadays, if someone posts something on twitter or an article is written it is usually without substance, only opinion, innuendo and unverified sources. I wait until all the facts are in.
  17. That was actually clever. Congrats on not calling me a nazi or racist
  18. I've met her. She is a nice lady as are all the justices. It's unfortunate there are so many who politicize the court and judge them based on their own insecurities, narcissism and general poor character like those bafoons in the mob beating on the doors of the court. They come to a strong majority on cases 90% of the time
  19. Did somebody donate their kidney?
  20. It's a clown show in here.
  21. I get negged for posting an honest assessment. Sad
  22. No shit. Snipes is a disgrace and Broward has historically been an election day nightmare. Snipes has destroyed ballots in the past and overseen the opening of absentee ballots in secret and kept her job shockingly. Have a recount if you want. The state requires reporting of all absentee and early voting counts 30 minutes after the polls close. How long after the polls close are they still reporting ballots? 3 now? Without a count of how many are left or where they are stored or coming from...they could be legitimate but based upon the incompetence and corrupt nature of the officials in charge, it doesnt look good.
  23. I think it's a socialist black man but carry on
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