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Everything posted by AtticusFinch

  1. I imagine Trump will be President but I'm not convinced he will run. I doubt anyone would oppose him for a nomination. Beto/Biden 2020
  2. I didnt know some places were still using that crap.
  3. I want to see someone actually donate an organ to RBG like they are claiming on twitter.
  4. So Russian collusion isnt an issue related to Mueller and neither is finding criminal activity so what's the point then?
  5. Oh right, it's to find the existence of a crime.
  6. I dont know. Isnt that the purpose of the Mueller investigation?
  7. I dont understand the obsession with the tax returns. That is the IRS domain. If it was unlawful, he would have been audited. Did he use creative accounting, most certainly.. but it is still legal. The idea that it contains some form of collusion evidence is laughable if you understand how a tax return works. If Trump did collude, why would his accountants provide illicit payments of some form when the payee is certainly not providing the information to the IRS? The people after the tax return are like birthers. Besides, I thought the Times already had his returns.
  8. I dont think there was a draft indictment against Hillary by Comey. There was in regards to Whitewater, not by Comey
  9. Have any Americans been indicted for collusion? I havent kept up on current events. How is the case against the Russians indicted going?
  10. Then good for justice and the rule of law
  11. Just because something shows up on salon.com doesn't make it true
  12. There is overwhelming evidence that social media is causing narcissism and causing more severe versions of it. Kids brains are developing until the 20's. There is a reason the millitary draft age is 18. The kids can be molded in to trained killers. Blind support of cell phones and unlimited gaming and social media by parents is idiotic and moronic. Of course all this crap is playing a part and causing forms of mental illness. Narcissism is incurable and it is all over the place infecting relationships, work environments and politics. Our world is way more fucked up than it used to be even though it is much more convenient
  13. If there is a doomsday clock, it will never hit until the eventual economic collapse made possible by incompetent politicians that many of you worship and supported over the last 20 years. You all get what you deserve. I'll be sitting on the beach earning 20%...
  14. Because I dont give a shit about the election and I'm not reading about it. I've been down this road. Just because a lawsuit is filed, doesnt make it legitimate. Its tiring and full of exaggerations and misinformation. I'll read about it when the facts are sorted. I have other priorities.
  15. I find this claim on its face bs if there is other corroborating information on the form. I'm happy to be wrong and condemn the act if true but a lot of these claims are made for political purposes. I've worked for a city. BS claims are made for political purposes all the time. More often than not, they are not legitimate.
  16. I remember when Tyranny was taxation without representation. Now it's.. you are unpatriotic and a racist if you want to pay lower than 40% of your income in taxes. You are racist and a deplorable if you want people to check in when crossing the border and keep the criminal element out. You are a racist if you want your taxes loaned to other countries instead of given away. Can someone send me the new rules on Tyranny?
  17. I dont doubt it was said. I imagine it was tongue in cheek though.
  18. Working at Fox is no picnic. You need security. Mobs and weird strangers are out harassing you. Anti-fascist groups who don't really know what fascism is are out harassing libertarians. https://www.nationalreview.com/news/protesters-chant-outside-tucker-carlson-home-fox-news-host
  19. Whoever it is, he will he or she will be accused of being a fascist, racist and possibly a rapist.
  20. Forms that are not filled out correctly or are missing key information, like your name...get thrown out. It isnt a conspiracy
  21. Vox and Salon are not exactly legitimate news sources.
  22. The claim is their is orchestrated suppression in Georgia, a place where it is pretty easy to vote. I'm still waiting on the suppression evidence. Believe me, the ACLU and other left wing groups with a lot of money and a team of lawyers are ready to file lawsuits. If there is a case, justice will be done. I follow facts and law, not some nut on twitter telling everyone suppression is going on
  23. Ok, if someone doesnt have a driver's license, tax id or or passport, someone can verify their identity in Sweden if you want to drag someone to vote for the same socialist government everyone votes for. You dont even have to do that here if you fill out an absentee ballot. No ID is required or a 3rd person.
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