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  1. Did someone say CFS? One week anniversary of Quinnza and now finally a WR coaching change. Maybe CFS just needs to become a Sunday turdition.
  2. 2nd memo now that Trump's DO doc can't even properly spell Regeneron. Sounds like just the guy I want treating ole Donnie.
  3. "Learning how to win"
  4. Username checks out
  5. Crystal Balls
  6. I think the allotment of tickets that were sold online through the Big 12 website were sold through SeatGeek, so I'm thinking that's why my tickets are just screenshots of those.
  7. I got my tickets off StubHub as well and don't think I ever got an e-mail with the tickets. If you open the StubHub app on your phone, the tickets should be there though. Mine were just screen shots of the someone's SeatGeek tickets from their phone which I thought was kind of strange, but StubHub has always been reliable in my experience so we'll see.
  8. That Luigi vid is just waiting to be shopped with some dicks.
  9. I have 2 tickets to Texas/OU in Section 111, Row 15 for sale for $275 each. Not trying to make a profit, just selling for what I paid for them. I'm located in Dallas. Let me know if interested.
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