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  1. they are sent to China they are use in soup
  2. well That's It Title Say's It All
  3. if u have Dollar's go to a Bank they are required by Law to change them off U ask
  4. U could buy a bunch of Sackofwega dollars and melt the Gold off and make jewrely and sell it
  5. First he was O J was declare Innocent the glove did not fit judge had to let him go so i suggest you check your fact's bitch
  6. How quick do U need money I know this one Dude that makes a shit ton of $$ driving Illegal's to Oklahoma and then when he drop's them off he also rob's them
  7. Are You a good swimmer if so You can go to a Pool and go to the deep end and act like your drownding but when the Lifeguard swim's out to save You make it so He can not get you and then when He start's to drowned You can be like I'll save Him and then save Him and you can sue the Pool in Court for Mental Distress
  8. what ever you do do not sell oil's You will not make any money . you will however sloter coot only all the Oil's Chic's are obetse
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