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Captain Obvious

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Posts posted by Captain Obvious

  1. 1 minute ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    I mean wtf did the gator fans expect, they had an over under season win total of 4.     if you see that before the season, just fucking accept its gonna suck, and ride out the season, or you should have fired him during the summer. 

    Napier giving up play calling duties or at least attempting to install an offense that took advantage of Lagway's athleticism would have been nice.  

  2. 12 minutes ago, Ghost of Shag said:

    Napier has to be trying to get fired.

    You come out of the half, your quarterback leads a TD drive and gets some rhythm.

    Next series, you switch quarterbacks?


    Rotating 2 qbs usually didn't work out under Spurrier, yet Napier somehow thinks he's worked out all the kinks?

  3. 21 minutes ago, Sal said:

    This is malpractice from Norvell by not putting in another QB. Then again, maybe he’s going full Jimbo – mailing it in to force the buyout money

    $6 million buyout this year, FSU didn't go full Aggy.

  4. 1 minute ago, Francisco 2.0 said:




    Loser of the Florida - FSU game this year has to offer their coach a Jimbo/Brian Kelly-like contract extension.  Make it happen.

    • Haha 2
  5. Napier should be gone before the end of the season along with Stricklin.

    At least the team is making it clear that this isn't working out and won't get better with time.

  6. 2 hours ago, Gil Bang said:


    No shots fired at Beyonce during that rant?  I'm disappointed.  I guess they're keeping that one in their back pocket for September/October in the event that women stop hating them enough.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  7. 23 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    If Trump wins, why would there be a peaceful transition of power in ‘29 when there wasn’t one in 21’?

    Maybe not "peaceful" in the sense that the Republicans immediately acknowledge reality, ala the Conservative part in the UK earlier this month, but also not another January 6th.  I would think in that sense a "peaceful" transition happens in '29.

    Trump would have served his two terms, spent that last four years making sure he wouldn't be dragged into court for whatever self enriching shenanigans he pulled, and can then continue grifting his base for as long as he stays alive.  He would quickly call whoever the Republicans nominated a weak loser that couldn't maintain what he built, and wash his hands of it.  He'd also spin that into being a consultant for the Republican party for the foreseeable future at a premium price, and his base would take the bait hook, line, and sinker.


  8. 22 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    Sometimes all you can do is laugh. The 11th Circuit will shut her down, but then SCOTUS to the rescue. Fuck it all.

    Absolutely grasping at straws here, but I had basically zero faith anything substantial would come out of this case to begin with.

    Once they decided to try the case in Florida, Trump was virtually guaranteed to have a favorable judge or at least one jury member who wouldn't vote to convict him of anything.

    Then, assuming a minor miracle did occur and he was found guilty, the appeals process drags on well past the election and nobody was going to change their mind in November because of another conviction.  

    Anything other than the election is shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic at this point.  And that includes the house/senate races.  We spend 99% of the time focused on Biden vs. Trump but strategies for retaking the house or holding the senate needs to get more attention.

  9. 2 hours ago, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

    it seriously is. Not necessarily FOR any party, but definitely AGAINST the RN. It's staggering how fucking awful do you have to be to get so many picky leftists to coalesce, but the RN did it.

    And of course the RN, like Aggy, has no self-awareness.  They blame the "unnatural alliance" of the center and left parties, but never stop to question what drove the alliance to occur in the first place.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  10. 3 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    Multiple parties to choose from, plus having two rounds of voting to allow folks to take a breather and realign as needed, really makes this possible. 

    Also helps that the actual candidates in 3rd place stand down and make it clear they want their supporters to vote for the non-fascist alternative even if they don't particularly like them.  It's not just giving the public a chance to realign, the parties themselves are actively pushing them in that direction.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  11. 12 minutes ago, Schulz2.0 said:

    I have several young, pretty disinterested potential voters in my family that have openly bitched about how we have two terrible choices for president. The sound very similar to a coworker of mine who's 20 year old told him after the debate he just couldn't vote for  Biden. Some people seem to be in complete denial that there's a pretty significant portion of the country that will just not show up to vote if Biden is rolled out. 

    And if Trump wins again, they'll do nothing but blame those people who explicitly told you they wouldn't show up and vote for Biden.

    Yeah, we'd like more of the country to vote for litwrally anyone the Dems throw out there, but that's not reality.  They can't force people to vote for Biden, they can replace Biden with someone who will/has a chance of getting the vote.

    • Like 1
  12. 7 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    Our only hope is that Biden drops out and/or there is an actual fire building around the recent Epstein documents smoke.

    McDonald's need to introduce a triple Big Mac (they can call it the MAGA Mac) with extra large fries value meal that comes with a free milkshake.  Offer it to former presidents at half price and hope Trump eats himself to death before November.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 2
  13. 11 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    I did all I could for Joe in 2020, but he thinks it’s still the same cycle.  DNC’s best idea is to turn out more MAGA voters who may have just stayed home.  And put the whole plan together in 90 days when registration ends in most swing states.  I’ll take my chances of my ‘Right of Return’ status in wartime Israel over this shitshow.  I’m stilL voting for whom ever can beat Trump, but this is a spectacular fuckup in American politics.  And that’s saying something.  Maybe some yard signs will save us.  

    I would understand this stance if Biden were consistently leading the polls.  But he's consistently behind, and the issue has consistently been his mental fitness, which he's don't nothing but call into question since the debate.

    He's already losing, keeps amplifying the biggest concern the undecided/centrist voters have about him, but the best course of action is to send him back out there?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 8 minutes ago, Loch Ness Monster said:

    Biden gonna beat Trump in 2020 again. Inspiring.


    No worries everyone.  He's ok cognitively.  Totally fine.

    The big cigar donors need to force him to watch this on loop while explaining that they're pulling funding if he's going to insist of continuing this march to the execution platform.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. 9 minutes ago, B00M said:

    Who are you so sure is a better candidate? 

    This is the last years of Mack all over again.  Do we think there are better coaches/candidates out there?  Yes.  Could they fall flat on their face and get crushed in the election?  Yes.  But there's no fixing what Biden did by cratering in the debate.  He can't magically turn back the clock mentally just like Mack wasn't magically going to turn back the coaching/recruiting clock.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  16. 5 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    It’s better for Biden and the democrats if Biden does poorly in today’s interview. It makes the decision easier.

    Anything other than the proverbial "home run" should make the decision easy.

    And the "home run" does nothing more than buy him time until the next appearance where he'll need another one.

  17. 3 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    Not a single human being in this country will be swayed by a pre-recorded interview airing on a Friday night. Honestly baffling that many of the same people trying to downplay the importance of the debate are trying to hype up this nothing burger of an interview.

    In that case (which I agree with BTW), the polls won't move or he'll fall further behind Trump, which should lead to more calls from democrats for him to step aside coupled with more donors pulling their support from the presidential race and forcing his hand in the coming days.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  18. 1 minute ago, Red Five said:

    "Never interrupt your opponent when he is making a mistake." 

    Does seem too smart for Dotard though.

    I'd view it more as Trump's ego telling him he's so far above Biden he doesn't need to acknowledge his existence.  He can spend all his time doing the things he loves best, golf, food, and  grifting/talking about himself in front of his cult while he basks in their adulation.  

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