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Captain Obvious

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Posts posted by Captain Obvious

  1. 5 minutes ago, Wishbone said:

    So…it’s gonna be:

    1. Bama

    2. Michigan (should they win)

    3. Cincinnati 

    4. Georgia


    1. Bama

    2. Michigan (if they win)

    3. Georgia 

    4. Cincinnati 

    Committee absolutely wants Cincinnati to get embarrassed.  They aren't getting put above any 1-loss P5 champ or Georgia.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Augustus said:

    I'm not sure the committee will want GA/Bama in the title game.  And they could reasonably put Bama at 1 and GA at 4

    Pretty sure that priority #1 for the committee is finding a way to exclude any non-P5 + Notre Dame as much as possible.  That means putting Cincinnati against the #1 seed and hoping they get the shit kicked out of them.  

  3. 3 minutes ago, Landomatic said:

    Not sure why y’all keep talking about LSUs bag game and how that makes them so attractive. Doesn’t NIL make that waaaaaay less of a factor now? Like, damn near eliminate it altogether? What am I missing here?

    No taxes on the bag game.  Less of a factor going forward, but to dismiss it as a notable factor is probably unwise.

  4. At least there's the blind hope that Florida somehow gets the hire right this time.

    Would gladly take that over waiting 1-2 more years because you *must* give the HC time to get his own players even though he lost to Kansas at home.

  5. 39 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    Nets probably need a real HC. Nash is so damn slow to recognize anything or make adjustments. 

    Nets FO listened to Kyrie and this is what happens.

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  6. 10 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Except Tampa has Brady. Rams has soft ass Stafford.

    True, but I'd take the Rams defense this year over the Bucs last year, and if McVay can get to the Super Bowl with Goff, Stafford is at least an upgrade at qb.

  7. On 11/8/2021 at 12:02 PM, 956 Worldwide said:

    Man, looking at this carousel Nick Saban (and to a lesser extent Meyer/Swinney) have created monsters of expectations. 

    Steve Spurrier won 1 NC. So did Bob Stoops. So did Lou Holtz. Tom Osborne coached Nebraska for 21 years before he got his three. Don James coached 17 at UDub. 

    These guys are legends, Hall of Fame coaches. You can argue that the game’s changed and you can’t afford to give that kind of rope, but I can also argue that no one tries it anymore. 

    Did any of those guys really get a lot of rope?

    Spurrier went 9-2, 10-2, 9-4, 11-2 his first four years at Florida.

    Holtz won a national title his third year at Notre Dame.

    Stoops won a national title his second year at OUsucks.

    Dabo tanked his third year, was given one chance to turn it around, then went 10-4 and 11-2 the next two years.

    Every single one of those coaches got the rope because they won consistently from the beginning.  It wasn't a situation where universities took a chance on keeping them after they shit the bed for more than one season at the start.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:


    Good.  Don't give Chicago management any reason to keep Nagy employed and further ruin the careers of Montgomery, Fields, and pretty much the entire Chicago offense.

    Pittsburgh might sneak into the playoffs but isn't going anywhere with Big Ben's corpse as qb.

  9. 2 hours ago, MrBig said:

    Donte Stallworth and Josh Brent both played in the NFL after their DUI vehicular manslaughter incidents. So it’s not the NFL’s first rodeo.

    At this point, the optics look worse for Ruggs IMO.

    Victim in Stallworth's case was sprinting across the street absent any crosswalk.  

    Brent's passenger was also drunk and not wearing a seat belt. 

    Neither poor decision making excuses Stallworth or Brent, but we have no reports that the victim in Ruggs case was doing anything wrong or dangerous.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    They're absolutely having the desired effect. We watched those two shitty offenses screw around for 14 snaps after the second overtime. The way they were playing it could have been 50+ under the old rules.

    Exactly.  Those shitty offenses likely would've exceeded 14 total plays in the 3rd OT alone under the old rules.

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