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Bama Llama

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  1. Who is fhis? I have to know.
  2. Comparisons are odious
  3. And I’ll wager you say “pe-CONs” and not “pe-CANs” when pronouncing the word. And I say good on you, sir, for picking up all those nuts for all those years. There is nothing better in this life than a good piece of pecan pie other than an encounter with the good, tight, warm, slick pussy of a good-looking horny young lady. But I digress.
  4. If the foo shits, wear it.
  5. Musky (the muskrat) was a supporting sidekick bit player on the Deputy Dawg cartoon show. There is symmetry there, I suppose, given today’s “events.”
  6. Guess when Dotard and Lil Musky are done this place will be called the United States of Whatthefuck.
  7. Given: Adversity in the Rose Bowl, Colt’s shoulder is injured and he can’t play. Horns trailing by 11, need a boost. Squints is in, the first half is winding down, scant seconds remain. Just let the half run out, get to locker room and regroup, or . . . OR . . . Wild idea: call a shovel pass, maybe rip off a big gain and get some points. What could go wrong?
  8. Frech wave. Details. Mere petty annoyances. This challenge presents Texas hoops with a superb opportunity to compete and succeed!
  9. Hey! Say that like you’re proud! Who the fuck are you talking to? Wait. I was thinking schizophrenic. Never mind.
  10. I dunno. True, it smells Dotardish but pure dee Dotardese is peppered with more redundant exclamation points and randomly scattered words in ALL CAPS!!!!
  11. Religion is make believe for grownups. That being said, if we must have strict rules by which everyone must live, why not simplify the matter and adopt only one, the Golden Rule?
  12. Does Florida actually have a 7’9” player and if yes, does he see the floor? If no, WTF is wrong with him?
  13. He is beloved. He possessed/ possesses the best feel and touch of any percussionist, IMHO. I am proud to own a set of Ringo style 1965 Ludwig blue oyster pearls (couldn’t get black oyster pearl, dad gummit). They will follow me to the great beyond unless Mrs Llama sells them cheap on ebay after I croak.
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