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The Hot Dog Buffet

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Everything posted by The Hot Dog Buffet

  1. No, he needs to keep the hair. That will make his future transition into a female police detective that kidnaps Bevo and Quinn Ewers a whole lot easier.
  2. It's because every conference has its own tv deal. All of the conferences would have to be tied to a functional organization that negotiates a single tv deal for that to ever happen.
  3. The mediocrity ran a lot deeper this year than it usually does. Hard to tell if this is how things are going to be under NIL and portal transfers or if it's just a weird year like 2007 was. I don't think the first round of a 12 team playoff is usually going to be this noncompetitive, though, and I don't like overcorrecting based on a sample size of 1.
  4. If you are eating at Subway, you aren't well off enough to be shamed for not tipping.
  5. I think at least a few kickers would be capable of hitting one of these from mid-70s range. You can put a lower trajectory on the ball without anyone trying to block the kick.
  6. Creating a labor shortage creates a production shortage. We already don't have enough housing, and deporting 30% of the construction sector's workforce is going to make that problem a whole lot worse. Groceries already have gone up in price substantially, and that is going to get worse. The crime rate is just basic math. Immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than citizens. Lower the amount of immigrants and the overall crime rate will be higher. You won't engage in the fringe left questions because you can't. Which democratic politician is out there demanding that trans people compete in the olympics, or that Hollywood include more representation in their films? Nobody is out there proposing laws to force any of this. Republicans are passing laws to prevent it. What do you propose the party do about individuals in the media exercising their first amendment rights?
  7. Cutting off illegal immigration solves a problem that doesn't affect me in any way whatsoever and replaces it with a problem that causes me to pay higher prices for everything and gives the government larger deficits to deal with, while also having a higher crime rate. Plus Obama deported more immigrants than Trump did, and the democrats just tried to pass a bill offering everything the republicans were asking for on immigration. The only difference between the parties on immigration is that the republicans want to be more cruel to people trying to enter. The democrats should try offering something better. And I'm not sure what you mean by "fringe left agenda". If you're talking about something like student loan forgiveness, I'd agree that paying off loans and changing nothing about the system is a bad idea. If you're talking about woke culture bullshit, nobody in DC mentions or proposes bills dealing with any of that except for republicans.
  8. I think cutting that off would create a bigger problem than the immigrants are currently making, but I'm personally frustrated with the democratic party for not really being any different than the republicans here, outside of basic human rights things like family separation.
  9. They can't address it because it doesn't exist. Conservatives are associating everything about corporate America that they don't like with the "radical left." To them, it's the Democratic party's fault that Disney made a black mermaid and acknowledges gay people exist in their movies.
  10. Maher criticizes the straw man Democrats that Fox News built. These people who demand that others get cancelled for being insensitive just don't exist. If I got on Twitter and called black people monkeys like Roseanne Barr did, I would get fired, too. That doesn't make my employer woke. They just don't want to employ assholes.
  11. A populist leader needs a common enemy to rally against. Pick the episcopalians and we could possibly steal some of the gross Baptists from the Republicans.
  12. The liberal talking heads that aren't on MSM are just completely insufferable. The ones on MSM, outside of like the Daily Show or John Oliver, aren't good, either, but most of the liberal content I come across on YouTube is pure garbage, even if I agree with it. Most of it seems to be someone showing someone else's video and breaking down how they got owned or something. Like I need some asshole talking into my ear about how the mean conservative just got embarrassed. But then I also really don't get conservative media. Hannity is just an asshole, and Mark Levin does nothing but go on a whiny rant for his entire show, leaving me embarrassed for him after a few minutes. I've honestly never watched any Candace Owens or Ben Shapiro content, other than clips of when they say something completely insane.
  13. You keep talking like Trump is going to surround himself with competent people who will protect us from him. He's going to put an anti-vaxxer who eats roadkill in charge of the FDA. Nobody in the Republican party has a spine that's even as solid as jello, and they control the house and Senate. We are all about to get poorer and it will get ugly. Russia supports him for a reason.
  14. Trump thinks we lose actual money as a country when people purchase foreign products.
  15. Trump is the only republican presidential candidate that I have ever voted against. The first two times that I voted against him, I felt like I was voting against my own pocketbook for the sake of basic human decency. This election, I am fairly certain that I was also voting on behalf of my pocketbook because the tariff policy that he is running on is going to absolutely wreck us all. I really feel for all of the old people on fixed incomes who are going to see their investments evaporate and prices double or triple. They aren't evil people. They are just very stupid, and we all probably will be stupid, too, at that age.
  16. These people are in their 20s. Give it another decade and that gap will disappear.
  17. It tracks with me that a generation of do-nothing losers and their dipshit kids voted for Trump.
  18. Sure, but these young men are far less successful overall than their parents. And their sisters are more successful.
  19. It's going to be Trump Jr. vs whoever the state party selects to lose.
  20. The reality of this is that we are an axis country. We will aid Russia to ensure that they annex Ukraine by May. We will withdraw from NATO. We will reduce the power projection of our military to the point that the dollar loses just about all value and these debts that people have been bitching about for decades actually cause us to default. That's not even mentioning how bad things will be if you are lgbtq or look like you might be an illegal.
  21. Hey, now. My mom voted for Trump. Fuck her, but I don't deserve this shit.
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