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The Hot Dog Buffet

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Everything posted by The Hot Dog Buffet

  1. And there's the non-contact injury on a play that shouldn't have even happened.
  2. He had that game where he beat Texas to prevent the Jayhawks from losing 100 games in 10 years, and that's still his best win. He gets hurt every year, and his backup ends up being just as good or better than him.
  3. I think they are pretty good. Beating Houston doesn't mean much, but they skull fucked them like a good team should.
  4. Well, that's more attractive than Loomer at least.
  5. JD's interactions in his formative years mostly just squeaked and creaked.
  6. I think K-State beats Arizona. Not sure what to think about Kansas after watching them lose to Illinois. UNLV looks pretty good. Should be a close game.
  7. Complaining about the refs in a game you won by 50 just isn't a good look.
  8. The trick is to just imagine that everyone in the audience also has a completely full diaper.
  9. I just sorta figured he fucks her eye holes. Her eyes are deep enough into those things that he could do it without giving her pink eye.
  10. Nobody is going to believe anything Loomer says, even if it's about Trump.
  11. The people don't exist. I don't think the cat, duck, and goose eating villains they make up are going to be here legally.
  12. That would piss me off if I were running a Chik Fil A. Most of the people running them probably don't care, though.
  13. If a house is on sale for less than $50k, it probably isn't worth $50k.
  14. The parents bring boom boxes and do it in little league.
  15. I'm not sure if this year's CU team would beat the team Deion inherited.
  16. Sanders seems like he could probably be a whole lot better with a real coach.
  17. And even with all of that (minus the bullet-proof glass) some kid was able to walk right into range of Donald Trump with an AR 15 and get a free shot at him.
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