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The Hot Dog Buffet

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Everything posted by The Hot Dog Buffet

  1. I'm really hoping the republican party just dies after Trump and never comes back. It would be a lot easier to just split up the democratic party between the socialists and the capitalists and move forward from there.
  2. I think back-to-back-to-back hires of Turner Gill, Charlie Weis, and David Beatty have more to do with KU's failings than what has happened in Manhattan.
  3. That was the best South Park in years.
  4. The Spider Man platinum is pretty easy to get. You don't have to complete all of the collectibles, which is the sort of thing that usually turns me off.
  5. The new God of War was basically what a Thor game should be.
  6. The gunplay does sort of feel like Call of Duty if you are playing the assault class. For me, the game being good depends entirely on how well your squad operates. If they stick together, revive and resupply each other, the game is fun. If everyone is just doing their own thing, it kind of sucks.
  7. I really didn't like the game at first, but it is growing on me.
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