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Your Mom

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Your Mom

  1. Hope this helps him lose himself in the music, the moment, and own it and never let it go.
  2. He doesn’t believe a single word he writes. He just writes whatever the Aggies expect him to write so the paychecks keep cashing. I doubt he’s even a fan and I bet he laughs every time he’s proofreading that drivel.
  3. Day 1 drive to Dumas, TX. Day 2 drive the rest. Don’t try to stop and see anything on the way. There is nothing cool. Just haul ass and get there. If the kids haven’t skied they need lessons unless you want them to hate it and never want to go again.
  4. I have a 2000 LX470. I agree with the others, plenty of life left in it. I drove mine myself for about a year and enjoyed it quite a bit. Then passed it down to one teenager for high school and he took it out of state to college for a year. I got him a truck this summer and now his little brother is driving the LX470 in his high school years. Last time I looked we had 280k on it. It’s been into Land Cruiser Specialist a few times for various things, timing belt, an alternator, some brake work, etc.. I trust those guys quite a bit. They keep reassuring me that it’s nowhere near the end of its life. I would say that at this age it’s becoming kind of a niche vehicle and anyone you sell it to will be fairly familiar with them. I don’t think you’ll hide a timing belt due. You having some other work done on that besides the timing belt? I know with inflation things are costing more, but when I did ours may be a year and a half ago I think we paid $950 for it.
  5. Her facial expression checks out for the stated goal.
  6. Probably would have if he wasn’t tasked with 2 people’s duties at the moment.
  7. The short version of what most people suspect so far: the helicopter was flying higher than they were supposed to, they were possibly looking at an aircraft on final for runway 1 instead of the one on final for 33, they were possibly wearing NVGs which would’ve reduced their peripheral vision. The airplane pilots were doing a circle-to-land approach, it’s not that big a deal but it’s not something you do every week, at 300 feet they were probably pretty much only focused back and forth on airspeed and the end of the runway and not much else. I have avoided watching the videos but they were possibly still in a left banked turn making it harder to see traffic on the right.
  8. Meh.. I mean.. yeah. I think Dulles is the safer option. But not so much that will always outweigh the convenience. I’ve taken my kids to DC. We flew into DCA for it.
  9. Not really interesting at all actually. Pretty normal in fact. Victims often wait years and years before coming forward. But in this case it sounds like some of these ladies have been talking about it for years and it’s only that now people are listening to them.
  10. If you reduced the chances of a fatal airline crash to one in 1 million, you’d have an airline crash every 23 days in America. Something happening successfully thousands and thousands of times without incident is not nearly enough to declare it a safe procedure.
  11. He can relax. I doubt they run flights to Cancun from DCA.
  12. According to this guy, the east side of the Potomac is Helo Route 4 and has a ceiling of 200’ Taken from this guys analysis, posted by someone else a few pages back: https://www.reddit.com/r/aviation/comments/1idba8i/plane_crash_at_dca/
  13. He better be armored up good when he launches that mountain bike off those cliffs in Utah.
  14. DCA is in Virginia. But yeah it’s pretty ridiculous that a senator needs airtime for this.
  15. This is as good an explanation you’ll get for now. Quoting so it doesn’t get lost on the previous page.
  16. I’ve never been in and out of DCA without thinking it’s fucking crazy that they let us do this. Everything about it. The circling approaches, the river visual, the proximity to the White House and the Capitol, the insane amount of traffic on such a small footprint of land, taxing off the runway without being able to get a word in edgewise to the ground controllers, the mandatory turn after takeoff lower than we would ever be allowed to turn at any other airport.. everything about the place is just fucking nuts,
  17. It’s not that hard if you get right in the joints like when you separate a chicken leg from the thigh.
  18. Wait.. so a poster with the initials DPR, as in Dread Pirate Roberts, shows up all of a sudden to shitpost people who are shitting on bitcoin and then quickly disappears and his posts get deleted? What’s up with that?
  19. Wow. I did the water droplets trick this morning for the first time. I had no idea. I’ve been living with coffee grounds in and around my grinder for years. Never again. Worked like a charm. This might be the single most valuable piece of information I’ve ever gotten from Surly.
  20. They should open dirty 6th to bulldozers. Free unfettered access to demolish any structure or person between I-35 and The Driskill.
  21. You guys keep saying he calls all the plays, but he doesn’t. He has definitely delegated at least some of the play calling. In the Arizona State game he was yelling into the headset that a particular red zone play was way too dangerous right there asking what the hell they were doing calling it.
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