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Your Mom

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Your Mom

  1. You guys have some legendary hindsight. Not one of you would have questioned the call if the blocker came from a slightly different angle and got a piece of it.
  2. Well shit, I haven’t even seen his unit.
  3. Huh.. I’ve heard something similar somewhere.
  4. Me too. I hate them having scoreboard over us.
  5. That’s what makes the best jokes. If everybody gets it it’s kind of lame.
  6. Has Sark ever mentioned delegating at least some of the play calling? After Quinn threw to Golden on the sideline on 4th down in the red zone on one of the early drives, one of the sideline chicks said Sark yelled into his headset something like, “What are we doing?! That’s way too dangerous of a play down here!” She made it sound like it wasn’t his play call and he was pissed about it. Was that Quinn going to a different play or does Milwee call some of the plays?
  7. [Narrator] He was, in fact, not done with it.
  8. Who did Quinn get out played by? Leavitt looked pretty salty a few times when he made something happen while running for his life, but he didn’t outplay Quinn. Quinn didn’t really look great today until the end but he sure as shit didn’t get out played by Leavitt.
  9. I don’t think puking on the sidelines id always, some indication of superhuman effort. Probably happens a lot more than gets mentioned. The guy played his balls off and for that he gets a tip of the hat. But we won, so fuck him.
  10. Nobody’s said he doesn’t have the right. He has every right give thanks to the Easter Bunny and Santa too, but to do it every goddamn time your face is on TV it’s obnoxious and silly.
  11. Could this Boise coach possibly jerk off to Jesus any more?
  12. He ought to be motivated then. Can’t do guns up without a proper thumb.
  13. Spoilers on the Max are fly by wire but that’s just to get them up quick on the ground. 787 and 777 are the only true fly by wire planes Boeing has built.
  14. 737 is not fly by wire. All the main controls are hydraulic and mechanical.
  15. The defense stopping Lindale White was my favorite memory of the NC game. The whole outcome of the game was in in question right then and there. But as soon as we stopped them you knew we were gonna win. The whole damn stadium knew it.
  16. We won’t know what happened on this for months. The FDR and the CVR will probably clear it up at some point. Landing in that condition would only make sense if they lost both engines or thought they had an uncontrollable fire on board. But even under those conditions there are ways to get the gear and the flaps out. A couple of minor points that don’t change the big picture here at all… The 737 has both leading edge slats and leading edge flaps. The inboards are flaps and the outboards are slats. There is no fuel dumping capability on a 737. Flaps and gear are powered hydraulically with redundancies built in. An engine failure alone doesn’t prevent you from operating the gear or flaps. But if you do have an entire hydraulic system failure the flaps have an electric back up and the gear has a manual/gravity back up. A not so insignificant the point is that some EMAS installed at the end of that runway would’ve come in very handy there.
  17. You’re wondering if Herbie will take good care of your bunghole?
  18. You should read slower. Nobody said they were the first 2 to result in touchdowns.
  19. Obviously not his only two audibles, but the fact that they resulted in 2 touchdowns in the same game might make them a little more significant than all the ones that were just another play in the middle of a drive.
  20. Meanwhile the entire US Army is looking at West Point saying, “You guys lost to these fucking clowns?!”
  21. This. Go attend a few games at other teams stadiums and you come home really appreciating what CDC has put together here.
  22. We were in the lower section of the west corner of the north end zone and it was loud as hell when Clemson had the ball. The “We are now obligated to play Clemson’s video” graphic was pretty funny. Coming out of halftime, they played an hype video showing a lot of all-time longhorn great plays and narrated by Colt. It was an outstanding video. I’d like to find a copy of it online somewhere. I’m only at one or two games a year but I don’t remember seeing that one before.
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