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Your Mom

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Your Mom

  1. Half your buddies are going to pull a hammy in the 40. I’d give up on the bench and maximize your efforts into the other two. A long term stretching routine is key here. You should also be laying the groundwork on some sort of sabotage plan. If your friends are like mine, cheating is not only encouraged but expected. Laxatives in their food would be a good start. Nobody’s gonna put forth a full effort on the bench when they’re on the verge of shitting their pants.
  2. Go to an ortho. And switch to dumbbells.
  3. By the 1990’s he’d given up on both politics and finding a suitable wife and enjoyed a lucrative career at ESPN as a self-proclaimed expert on football scouting and NFL mock drafts.
  4. Not that I’m hoping they get away with this, but only a complete idiot would answer any of those types of questions from a cop.
  5. Athletes driving Broncos tend to have favorable results in criminal matters.
  6. Those rear side windows are a nice throwback to the old 4runners from the 80s.
  7. Semantics. 23 year olds are generally immature and make stupid decisions, just like kids. How’s that? The point is we see these stories every year and always will. I’ll be shocked the year a high draft pick doesn’t do something stupid that could jeopardize their future.
  8. I’m shocked anybody is shocked. College kids generally make stupid decisions. And I doubt he drops a single spot or loses a dollar over this. NFL owners taking a hard line on DWI/DUI? Sure, Jan.
  9. Some animals will think it’s dusk. Crickets start chirping, dogs relax, birds chirp different songs, Bonnie Tyler starts singing…
  10. I don’t think anybody’s really keeping track of excused versus unexcused absences. At least not at our high school. I just write a note that says Please excuse ______ from school for an appointment yesterday.” I don’t tell anybody what the appointment was for and nobody asks, and we’ve never had an issue with it. Sometimes it’s a legit doctors appointment. Sometimes it’s an appointment to beat traffic to get out of town easier. The flip side is that we don’t budge an inch on his keeping up with the work and getting assignments turned in on time. He screws that up every now and then, and there are consequences for it. He knows that “I missed that day,” is not a valid excuse for late work. But mostly he gets it all done and turned in on time absent or not. There’s a good life lesson in that as well.
  11. If you’re old enough to be a parent, school is very different now than it was when you attended. It’s not just kids missing school. Our teachers are so overextended and/or leaving for other careers that my kid at a high school in Austin has a sub in one class or another at least twice a week. Sometimes it’s a teacher that just had other duties that day, field trip for some club, an event they were coaching, etc.. and the absence was planned ahead with notification. But often it’s a teacher that just got sick of all the shit and up and quit with little or no advance notice and the kids are stuck with rotating subs long term. You’d be shocked at the number of times I asked my kid what they did in a certain class that day and the response is something like, ”We had a sub again and they told us to read some stuff that we had already read last week. So everyone just fucked around on our phones the whole time instead.” This happens at least once a week usually more across all classes. My kid gets good grades, he catches up quickly most of the time when he misses a day, so yeah, given the current environment of underfunded public school and overextended underpaid teachers, I am not sweating pulling him out of school, so we can take a family trip or see the eclipse or whatever. just about every lesson and all the work included for it I s online these days. Usually he can accomplish it the day of the absence on his chrome book without even asking a teacher what he missed. The idea that some teacher is going to back up and re-teach something for absences is just not how it works.
  12. There’s not a single thing wrong with driving a Chrysler. But if you’re driving a Chrysler you’re not gonna be my lawyer.
  13. From the gene pool?
  14. Hey Griswold, where do you think you’re gonna put a tree that big?
  15. I’m guessing I’m the only one checking the market this morning wondering why shit isn’t moving. Dammit Jesus.
  16. You have not seen plenty of total solar eclipses in your life. The last one to touch the United States was in 2017 and the one previous to that was in 1979. And even with those two you’d have had to been geographically located any pretty specific narrow band to see it. I don’t think it’s a huge deal for everyone everywhere, you just hear about it more a lot around here because we are either in or very close to that narrow band of totality. The last one to touch Central Texas was in 1878 and the next one will be in 2317. You’ve seen other eclipses, but likely not in the zone of totality unless you specifically went looking for them But I agree, it’s probably going to be cloudy that day.
  17. I like sparkling water and I drink a ton of it. The subtle flavor tricks me into thinking I’m drinking something sweet and prevents me from drinking sodas. Topo Chico is fine but it’s no better than Waterloo, polar, HEB brand, or whatever else
  18. I don’t have dogs. It would support their weight but I’d be worried they tear it. unrelated to that statement, I also stuck an inner tube float under today to raise the middle. There was one spot right in the middle that sunk enough to touch the water and stayed wet which prevented the leaf blower from being as effiective. I’ll know tomorrow morning if the innertube fixes that.
  19. Blue Wave 15-ft x 30-ft... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E9PUJRG?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share The price is all over the place. I paid $428 for the 15 x 30 one week ago. Today it shows 793.
  20. As I was reading up on it there were lots of reviews from people who tried using stakes in the grass unsuccessfully. Each strap is attached to a spring that’s under fairly high tension. I wasn’t real excited about the screws either but the last two springs broke me with the pollen. I am away from home two nights a week, occasionally three and leaving it alone for that length of time is too much. Same with the oak leaves when they fall. A few weeks ago I came home from a trip and the skimmer baskets were so full that it impeded the flow of water completely. It worries me for the pump. The screws are in a brass anchor. The anchor is flush and when you remove the net for swim season you can turn the screws down to be flush as well. Not sure how or if that would work in a nicer deck with travertine or some other kind of tile.
  21. Got this thing installed just in time for the first big pollen dump. Hoping it turns out to be $400 well spent. There’s pros and cons but I’m thinking that sweeping this off when it’s wet or blowing it off when it’s dry is going to be better than emptying my skimmers 5 times a day and stressing about it every week when I’m out of town for a couple days.
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