Speaking of this, on a whim I decided to contact them to see if they wouldn't mind sharing a copy of their survey with me if they had it. To my surprise they actually emailed it yesterday and it's a brand new survey, done by the same company that did ours. Lo and behold clear as day it shows a bright green outline at the fence with "Fence encroaches on adjacent property" with all the measurements that point it out the same as it shows on our survey. I don't think at this point it would be a surprise to them to let them know I'll be moving the fence to the property boundary, and at least so far they've been pretty cordial towards me. I think, with an added mention that I'll be footing the bill for for a brand new fence (as I was planning on it anyway), I hopefully shouldn't have any issues.
Thanks for everyone's help, and I hope I won't have to come back to this thread unless it's with more positive developments.