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Everything posted by TankedBevo

  1. Breckyn's Willie Nelson braids are everything.
  2. Don't know why but I jumped to that conclusion when he tweeted out that pic of himself in aggy gear yesterday. My bad.
  3. Shepard tweeted out he's committing soon with a #shockthemedia hashtag, then promptly deleted it. Either he committed to the ags while on his visit today or they did enough to push him our way.
  4. I'd love for any of them to make fun of his hair in real life.
  5. McGillicuddy Jones and the Who-done-it's
  6. He's gonna "shock the world!!!" and commit to aggy *eyeroll*
  7. With how big those fucking numbers are just go ahead and remove the shoulder pad ones and we'd be good
  8. True, but we were. And therein lies the rub good sir. Fuck this off-season
  9. Literally the only thing Charlie ever did of note was beat OU. Once. The rest was three seasons of a spectacular train wreck and liver damage.
  10. We see right through you, Hailee. Bugger off.
  11. Not even close. Deshon has a contract. We have unsigned players reading all this bullshit thinking there's problems within the program rather than Deshon's own hubris and lack of nutsack to call up the offending coach and discuss it like a fucking man.
  12. It's not talking shit if it's the truth
  13. A live look at BlowU and Aggum coaches with recruits we were fighting for:
  14. Jesus Fucking Christ. How bout a goddamn phone call Deshon?
  15. 25 lbs in a month and a half, my goodness.
  16. Ah, looks like Big Hec just tweets a bunch of Barnes' work haha
  17. I think Big Hec is actually just a fan who is really good at photoshop, not an official graphics guy AFAIK.
  18. https://giphy.com/gifs/ARdHgkuJW0Y6s
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