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Everything posted by Humpy

  1. I was going to spray weeds today but it started raining, will have to wait until tomorrow. Low of 55 tonight so open up the windows it is.
  2. Nice cool 76 with a light breeze where I live.
  3. Happiest day of my life was selling 4 quarter horses that were my fathers, went to good homes. They never raced, just pleasure stock.
  4. Humpy

    Getting old sucks

    The older I get the less the threat of a life sentence serves as a deterant.
  5. Fix this shit or I am going to have to work. Who the he'll wants to work on a Friday.
  6. This is correct, do the laundry and put it away, eat, do dishes put them away.
  7. Wait till you turn 50, you will make up for lost time.
  8. Any UFO activities in the area?
  9. Went to mine, then sent cards and a few bucks for beer money to a select few niece's and nephews.
  10. She is a looker, if she is as cold as most peoples ex wives you have a winner.
  11. Prolly late to the party, but how does one fuck a lizard? That's my first question after, Why would you want to fuck a lizard? Kind of gives new meaning to being a little lizard dick fucker.
  12. This really warms my itybity ice cold heart. Fuck those bastards.
  13. I think point in order is called for here, there is only 4 ribeye steaks in a beef, the rest are rib steaks.
  14. 10 days in a I am officially done, never trust a fart when over 50 years of age.
  15. Humpy

    2021 Drunk Thread

    Been a long day/week, fuck the holidays, time to go on a 3 day drunk.
  16. Humpy

    2021 Drunk Thread

    Sitting around drinking Bud Light all day, now finishing up with some Chicken Cock.
  17. You ate one of those awful things?
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