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Everything posted by Humpy

  1. I had no Idea where to post this.
  2. I am going to need Vic's opinion on this before I judge.
  3. Every fuck you pass up is one less fuck you will have in your life, and life is short, so I WOULD,
  4. Buy another WSM and more booze, and post pics of hot women that show up, that is all I have. This advise will cost you Tree-Fiddy.
  5. Get a bigger smoker, more meat and lots of booze.
  6. Growing up we had a huge fig tree in the back yard. We used to eat fig this, fig that, and still had tons of fig preserves to give away. Until the drain field went bad and Dad had to put in a new septic system. Then the tree died. Woops. The top picture is Golden Retriever approved, the second is not.
  7. How hard can it be to find 1 naked swinging dick?
  8. Looks like a typical ou fan, so I really do not see anything wrong in the picture.
  9. Does this mythical place even exist here?
  10. I piss when and where I want to, like a boss.
  11. Vic needs to hook this guy up to get laid and let the rest happen.
  12. In my younger days I would be all over that for one night and deal with the crazy later.
  13. I see beans, not sure how to rate this.
  14. That looks really good, but most important is the dog is back.
  15. Best game ever as a kid when the family went camping.
  16. Humpy

    2018 Shart Thread

    What about the plastic knife turd cutting wife?
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