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Posts posted by BonzoMontreaux

  1. 21 hours ago, Knoxtnhorn said:


    Also, Rainbow Brite (well done @Herpa Derpa) is going to murder that poor dude in his sleep.  She's now cried at least 6 times in 3 episodes and she's supposed to be a motivational speaker.

    I am sure that this will do wonders for her bookings...

    "If you have doubts about what you can do, fuck it.  Just Quit!"

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  2. 49 minutes ago, Brew said:

    For some sure, but for most including us it was a second home we split time between. The ones you feel for are the business owners. The island was built with only a couple of large corporate owned establishments, everything else is locally owned including people who own multiple stores, restaurants, etc. 

    We were there last year.  It definitely had the feel of a country town with its two lane main drag and all the mom and pop joints.  Very sad. 

  3. Not really. I will give him a ton of credit for not turning the ball over so far this season and for not taking any horrible sacks tonight but he made like one nice throw in 4 quarters. He will (probably) need to be better against Tech if Quinn can't go. 

    I am saying we asked him to take care of the ball and not take sacks. Yes, there were moments where he threw the ball and I said Ewers makes that or is on time.

    There is a reason why Card is 2nd string and I do realize that.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. Way is the way….
    Loved the fight in this team tonight. As others have said we would have stayed down at 10 down in the past. Card is no Ewers but he did everything that was asked of him. Can’t get down on this kid at all. The other QB was a beast. We threw the house at him and still made plays.

    Officiating… giphy.gif

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 2 hours ago, KaiserSoze said:



    This hits way to close to home these days.  My Dad died unexpectedly a couple of month's ago and I am working on getting things settled for my Mom.  Basically, making sure everyone gets what they need to transfer items to my mom and close out accounts.  Snail mail and Fax are the main way the majority of folks I have dealt with do business.

  6. Got a couple of inches in the 78640 last night.  Got hit with a couple of systems.  The first one was pretty intense and caused some street flooding around a couple of construction areas.  Some of the run off was serious enough that they closed the road.

  7. 8 minutes ago, South Austin said:

    Loved him as a kid watching Inside the NFL with Nick Buoniconti.  This was before the ESPN nightly (and hourly) highlights during game day, when the only time you got a recap of Sunday's games was Inside the NFL.

    or... Monday Night Football with Howard Cosell giving a recap of the weekend during half time.  I was allowed to stay up until after I heard Cosell give the summation on the past weekend.

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  8. 7 minutes ago, bullet said:


    Johnny Unitas was my favorite back then.  When he passed I felt it.  The Colts were my favorite team for a while.  I lived in Kentucky and there were no Bengals then.  I saw a Houston Chronicle sportswriter who grew up in Waco write an article and felt the same way.  It was kind of an era.  Len Dawson was part of that era.


    I am just old enough to remember Unitas play.  I was a fan mainly based on what my grandpa told me about him.  


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