Through work, I have spent a week in Bolivia and 2 weeks in India.
Bolivia...Spent a couple of days in San Jose and then on to Cochabamba. If you are a meat eater, you will be fine there. Great people, laid back feel even in the city. Cochabamba has a Christ Redeemer statue of its own. So, it is very catholic oriented. It is also at altitude. Best coffee and soda water too. Just stay away from anything that could touch water. Brought back some nice leather purses and silver jewelry for my girls. I would recommend it, at least a trip to Cochabamba. It's been a bit since I've been down there though. The hotel we stayed at in San Jose was cool but the city is the place for a lot of protests. There was one when we were there.
India, was a pain to get to and to get home from. It was a great experience but would not care to go back. Only way I would go back if it would be to go visit the northern Part. Stayed in Bangalore which is down south. Abject poverty. Congested. Cows walking down the streets. Rode in an auto (green and yellow open air vehicle) at lunch one day. I think I ended up with a bit of carbon monoxide poisoning. Good look just trying to walk across even the most simple side street.
Stayed in a hotel that catered to Western Tastes. Had a few different restaurants. Steak was on the menu at one spot, but they were always 'out'. Seafood, lamb, and chicken were main sources of protein if you are meat eater. Outstanding breakfast buffet though. Attendants would make one-offs for you upon request, mostly eggs and omelets. During the day, I ate at the cafeteria on the job site and I managed okay. The food on the airlines was way worse on me.
Didn't really see much and didn't get out of town much even on the one free weekend we had. Watched a lot of IPL Cricket on tv though.
Best way to sum it up is from a line Jon Hamm had in Million Dollar Arm, when asked about his trip to India, he replies...
You walk down the street and you smell the most amazing things and then about a block later, you smell the worst of things.