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Posts posted by BonzoMontreaux

  1. 1 minute ago, ConferenceRoom said:

    I ask because I had qualifying results spoiled for me one time because I clicked on Auto Racing to find the on demand broadcast, and they have Highlights and Reactions thumbnails. I realized afterward that if you look for F1 under the Leagues category, you can get to the on demand broadcasts without any of the extra videos that will spoil results. I'm not sure if that's what happened to you, but just an FYI to anyone that might be running into this or hesitant to go into the ESPN app. 

    I have seen what you are talking about with this app.  When I prepped to watch yesterday, I was having some issues getting the app to load.  It sounds like I may have circumvented my usual route to the On Demand race stuff.  

  2. Checo did nothing wrong with Lewis. Dude did some great driving.

    I wanted Hamilton to win. Got tipped on the outcome when I was bringing up the OnDemand Broadcast. Knowing the outcome made the race no less entertaining. Checo and Hamilton going at it was nothing but racing. Great stuff.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  3. Did a stint*** in UT Married student housing... If you are not familiar with the properties, they are on prime lake front real estate in central Austin.  Anyways, we lived in the Colorado complex.  When we first moved in, we had to deal with roaches.   At some point a spider (like that garden spider above) got into the apartment and made home between the vent hood and the cabinets.  Roaches and other critters were no longer and issue.  We named him Petey.  It would descend sometimes while the wife was cooking and be about 2 foot from her head.  It was never aggressive.  We appreciated not having to deal with other pests.

    ***For anyone that asked me about what the apartments were like, I would always say Early 20th Century Penitentiary. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  4. 19 hours ago, TKthunder2 said:

    Austin has some ugly ass anchors, it’s like they intentionally go out looking for them.  The best looking one out there was Sydney Benter and they let her go for fuck’s sake.

    Stacie Schaible back in the day for me.  She was damn far from ugly regarding news anchors.

    She has had some work done looking at this link - https://www.wfla.com/author/stacie-schaible/

    Saw her at Target one time down on Lamar, Ben White.  Took everything I had not to stalk her in the store.

  5. 32 minutes ago, jeevsie said:

    If I'm only picking one, the Hulu drama or HBO doc?

    Maybe the Hulu drama, so far they have done a decent job of capturing the mindset of the Sacklers and Purdue from what was captured in the HBO doc.

    I want to say the Hulu drama actually goes into a little more detail on the study that was done when Purdue claimed their addiction rates to opioids.  So, to me , they compliment each other.


  6. Came down 130\45 south last night around 7:45.  What a mess for north-bounders.   Watched the race - ESPN on Demand (like we do every other race).  Had the usual broadcast crew that calls all the other races.  Hoping to see a duel at the end with Hamilton and Verstappen but it didn't quite turn out that way.  Agree on Red Bull out maneuvering Merc on race strategy.  


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