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Posts posted by BonzoMontreaux

  1. Did anyone else notice they had a midget running the footballs out to the officials during the GB game?

    Preferred nomenclature is ‘wee man’, Dude.

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  2. Hell of a finish.  What a way for Hamilton to get 100.  Was pulling for Lando to get the win.  I know Hamilton is not every one's cup of tea but I appreciated his praise of Lando.  McLaren has to be kicking themselves for missing out on 2 consecutive P1s.   I know I was hoping for that outcome.  

    After Hamilton pitted, it was amazing how fast he made up the ground on Norris.  There was an overhead shot of when Hamilton passed Norris and it showed the contrast in grip.  Hamilton looked like a speed boat throwing up a decent wake and Norris and another car looked like they were a couple of trolling party barges.


  3. It's 99% coaching. Mack came in, took Mac II's players and immediately improved the program and the "culture."  Since he left, we've hired 1 terrible coach and 2 mediocre ones, resulting in terrible to mediocre football.  We're really not much different than OU before Stoops got there or Bama before Saban.
    Fans overweight bullshit like culture and strength coaches.  It's head coaching. Period. 

    Just want to point out Mack got pantsed 2 out of his first 3 games here. We weren’t ranked but he did have a decent OLine and a pretty good RB to begin his tenure as well as Opie at qb after Walton went down.

    Personally, I am going to try and withhold judgment about where this thing is going for a few more games.

    Hopefully last night was rock bottom.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    Hang in there man.  My daughter got pregnant in February 2020, delivered 3 weeks premature in October.  As mentally stressful as it was for my wife and I, I can't imagine what it was like for her and her husband.  Thankfully now she's vaxxed and we have a healthy 10 month old who was just walking around here in my office an hour or two ago.  Hopefully things turn out just as well for you.  Godspeed, my man.  My brother's son and DIL are due next month as well with their first kid.

    @Judge Roybeanbag, Thanks! I appreciate this.  Hope all goes will for yours too.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. 2 hours ago, whithou said:

    Things are still grim at my ICU in Houston. The one thing I'm struggling with the most this time around is taking care of pregnant patients. I was pregnant the last wave and was terrified of getting COVID even though we didn't have any pregnant COVID patients. I don't know how I would be able to keep it together if I was still pregnant this time around. We have a handful of them now and all of them had to have emergency C-sections once their oxygen saturations dropped. The silver lining is that the babies are doing well down in the neonatal ICU but the moms are still intubated with no signs of improvement. Even with the additional ICU that opened up we are still full with no open ICU beds. One perk is that our administration is pretty much throwing money at us to stay in our current roles. I currently get four times my salary to just show up at work so I have been thinking of using that extra cash for a trip once this nightmare is (hopefully) over. 

    My youngest daughter is pregnant right now.  Had RSV this past week and has been tested twice for Covid.  Negative both times.  She is due late November early December. 

    She wanted to get vaccinated after her pregnancy started and as delta was doing it's thing but because of an auto-immune disorder her doctor did not recommend it.  Not sure of all the specifics regarding this, only what I am told.

    Anyway, because of the things like @whithou (hang in there and God bless)described, it has definitely caused some hand wringing having her have to navigate this. 

    I fully expect to be holding my 1st grandson this time in December and having my daughter healthy and recovering but dang.  

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  6. 3 hours ago, Bevo said:

    God, I hate this so so much. Heat.... plays almost zero role in the outcome of games. It didn't seem to help us when we played Maryland at home mid-day to open the season a few years ago.

    This.  I am more worried about my daughter and her family of 4 sitting on the East side staying hydrated and being properly sun blocked.

  7. On 9/2/2021 at 10:05 AM, Trey3216 said:

    The end of Saving Private Ryan when old Ryan is there with his family and he asks his wife if he was a good man.   I cried my ass off in the theater at 18 years old when I saw it, and I cry today at 40 every time I see it.   

    Could cross post this in the 'Getting old sucks thread'...This movie is one of those I can watch but I don't make it a point to seek it out... like Deer Hunter or Schindler's List.  Whenever I catch the end scene(like once every few years), it hits me harder than the last time I saw it.  

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