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Everything posted by BonzoMontreaux

  1. Up yours, Jobu.
  2. Seger is still a staple for me. Great date music back in the day.
  3. My grandpa taught me how to hit, catch and throw. I went and saw this about a year after he passed. It took me a few minutes to collect myself before I could leave the theater. Leave not a kind word unspoken or a good intention undone.
  4. Welllll...FUCK!!!! Ladies and Gentlemen, it has been real. May God have mercy on our souls. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. [emoji1591] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Funny but not a family flick. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Tomorrow night is Grilled Tenderloin with homemade garlic butter, Texas toast, salad and baked potatoes. Assorted wine, liquor and mixed drinks will be had. Merry Christmas, Surly! Urban or bust! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I believe Sam Elliott is sitting next to Rooster Cogburn (aka, The Dude). Several cool character mashups in this picture. I have counted 3 at least. Assuming I am right about the one I just mentioned. Balcony - Yippee Ki Yay (Mother Fucker!), Gunsmoke, and 3:10 to Yuma getting represented for sure.
  9. Home, Home on the Range... Where the deer and the ant... more deer plaaaay
  10. Team Hung and Chee here followed by the Beards.
  11. Triggered.
  12. Kolache Talk got me thinking about walking around Westfest with a pig in the blanket in 1 hand and cold Pivo in the other and a bunch more Pivo tickets\tokens in my pocket. Good Times.
  13. Nothing that hasn't already been speculated here. Herman has to be let go first, probably after ESD. Tiny chance of him being retained. In the meantime, CDC pursues Meyer. We are on Meyers timeline. Wells also said, Traylor could be the guy now and the guy 5 years from now.
  14. Justin Wells on The Horn... Believes Urban is still in Play Traylor should get the shot if Urban doesn't pan out. What happens on Surly influences the world...
  15. Sad stuff. Lot's of broken people trying to get their lives back to manageable pieces.
  16. In the words of futureman in another month or so - "All in"
  17. I know. FML.
  18. Every time we catch an Amtrak coming through town one of us says... "People train runs out of Stubbville." The first time I saw the wrong way scene where Martin looks over and sees Candy as the Devil had me crying. This is a must watch every year at our house.
  19. Thankfully it wasn't terminal...
  20. Still can't escape turkey at Thanksgiving. We did bust the turkey for Christmas mold quite a few years back though. Steaks have become the norm for immediately family. Lasagna for larger family gatherings.
  21. Wow. Shows you how much I know about the actual man. Your previous take on Charles indicates that he is what he appears to be in the series. What a gutless little man.
  22. This. He makes Philip the most likeable character on the show. Based on that portrayal, Philip is the only person I would want to meet from that bunch of assholes.
  23. Is that Michael Rappaport narrating?
  24. Bought a Brondell when the world started going sideways. Best money I have every spent. Although, I have to be careful not to slam toilets shut when I am away from my Fortress of Solitude.
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