2 dogs. Both times under similar conditions and circumstances. Driving back from out of state on a state highway at night.
Technically have hit one deer. Coming into Martindale from Luling around sunset. Came over a rise and there was a deer in my lane standing near the shoulder. It was looking in the other direction. There is no one coming for a mile or two so, I let of the gas and start going left. As I a start to go left, the deer, still looking in the opposite direction, starts to walk left. He takes a step, I compensate... He takes another step, I compensate. Rinse, Repeat. At some point, I realize I am about to run out of road so I make the decision to go back to the right. I knew as soon as I made the decision, there was going to be contact. So I make a "wince" face and turn back towards the middle. I hear a faint thud and slight rubbing sound. I look back and the deer is looking around like "WTF?"
Later at home, I could tell I had just bumped it with my side view mirror. It also knocked a streak of dirt of my car.