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Everything posted by BonzoMontreaux

  1. I was in an ATT store a couple of months ago looking at IPhones. I noticed the promotions for the ATT Now service. Great looking product. That being said, whoever are that powers that be are either being deliberately obtuse to cord cutting trends or they are stuck on the notion that satellite and cable and their subscription models are the only way people watch tv. In this day and age, they want to offer you their streaming product and then lock you into a two year contract on top of that(implies 2x,3x bump for second year of service).
  2. To go along with this... people that hit their brakes at the bottom of the entrance ramp. Also, on two lane, one way access roads... people that stay in left lane past an entrance ramp doing less than the speed limit.
  3. Recruiter: You are *Chris Knight* aren't you? Chris: I hope so. I am wearing his underwear.
  4. Melanie Griffith in Body Double is the only acceptable answer.
  5. Ha. I spent two hours cleaning my grill on Saturday. Covered it up for the night, didn't fasten the cover down. Midst of the storm, I take a peek to see if cover was still on the grill. Cover AND Grill were no where in sight. Storm claimed a bunch of trees, fences and shingles around here - 78640.
  6. The only thing I have close to this was driving north on an access Road just north of Yarrington in Kyle. It was a couple of months after they changed it from 2 way to 1 way. It's broad daylight, I had just exited I35 and this guy is driving south bound towards me. He was treating it like a two way so I stayed right. I was flashing my lights and honking my horn. He gave me a the finger and assorted go to hell looks as he passed. Damn kid. I wish I could have seen the look on his face when he figured it out. But then again, he may never have.
  7. As far as the ballpark is concerned, trust me... the first time you walk in there for a summer afternoon game hell any summer game, your first thoughts are gonna be... 'had some great memories across the street but this is AWESOME!' or at the very least... 'I could get used to this...'
  8. Son-in-law was positive a couple of weeks back. He has to have two negative results before going back to work. Still waiting on second negative result. I am just glad he is getting paid on his time off. On a side note, because of contact with SIL and daughter and grand kids, we have been locked down during that time as well. Wife got tested - negative. She was running low grade fever and dealing with allergies but didn't want to just assume that's what it was. We were actually wanting a positive result if her mild allergy symptoms were indeed from Covid-19.
  9. Oh, believe me... I am not saying that we don't have church members saying exactly that and may be wielding their checkbooks around trying to get things back open.
  10. Our church was already doing Facebook Live services before this all happened. The closest thing we do to gatherings is on Wednesday night when we record video for music. Usually about 10 people in the Sanctuary total. My point is I imagine there are lot of churches that have been able to pivot and adjust by now. I know there are some out there that are trying to go about business as usual though.
  11. Few years back, wife and I were in Key West at the Fort Zach beach. I was trying out an open face snorkel mask. My wife bought a couple of them of Amazon. So, I make it out to the rock and I am gasping for air and not thinking clearly. I give me self a few minutes thinking, well this thing just takes some getting used to... so I threw the mask back on. I get about half way back and I am now in panic mode. I ripped the mask off and basically flailed my way back to where I could touch. I thought I was a goner. I had been to that beach before and made several trips by just swimming to that same rock. I don't think I have ever been so scared of dying.
  12. Washington (Always in the) Red.
  13. Started Season 3 yesterday. Wife tapped out. I will say, It is worth Watching the Ep. 1 of Season 1 and then watching Ep 1. of Season 3. I am in it for the duration but dang this getting into GOT level of introducing new characters, worlds and timelines.
  14. Damn. She was beautiful. Always got my attention when she was on screen.
  15. This is the first movie I saw on HBO. Boobs and F-bombs. I was only 15 but I knew I was hooked on the notion of subscription TV after that day.
  16. Son-in-law did drive thru testing today. Some one on his job site tested positive. Waiting...
  17. "What we were after now was the old surprise visit. That was a real kick and good for laughs and lashings of the old ultraviolent."
  18. Subtitles were a life saver. Enjoyed it. Will watch again at some point.
  19. The Canyon is spectacular for sure. This last trip we took the south part of the loop out of West Yellowstone through the park to come down to the Tetons. Got caught up in about a two hour delay because of bison being bison. We were stopped next to a\the river. It was the most pleasant delay I have ever experienced in a car.
  20. Want to check out Glacier at some point. Been to Yellowstone and Grand Tetons twice now. The last time was almost exactly a year ago. Took my granddaughters with us. Prior to the second trip I have maintained that the Scenery of the Tetons is a cut above that of Yellowstone. Still true ... However, getting to see Yellowstone with snow on the ground blew me away this last trip. Watching my grand kids play in the snow in June is a memory I will never get. There are others as well.
  21. Had the sausage and the sausage with jalapeno and cheddar. Was dang good. Missed out on the brisket because it was sold out. They are supposed to cater my daughter's wedding in November.
  22. I have had to have an eyelid reattached. I have had a dog bit me on the face which required a plastic surgeon to rebuild part of my upper lip. 1 head laceration which required stitches. aaand pinched the tip of my right index finger right above the top knuckle. All of these before I turned 7 years of age. As far as adult era... was involved in a jeep rollover that left me with 4-5 staples in my skull and shoulder and neck issues for a few years. I still have to go to rehab every so often for the shoulder. I was basically thrown out of the jeep and landed on my shoulder\head. Felt like I had been hit by Al Capone with a baseball bat.
  23. This. I am always blown away by everything in this movie every time I watch. It's a work of art.
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