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Everything posted by BonzoMontreaux

  1. I don't think it is legal to use a fullback anymore.
  2. This is what we are doing at my church. I played this past weekend. Just band, pastor and skeleton tech teams for Facebook live. Still had a couple of old folks show up anyway.
  3. My head looks like a west Texas municipal golf course in August. I could never shave it. People would rather have me sneeze on them than subject them to seeing my dome.
  4. Got to go to Yellowstone and Grand Tetons with my granddaughters this past summer. It snowed while we were there and it really added to the experience. Granddaughters got to have a snow ball fight in June. I will treasure that experience the rest of my life. Also made it to the top of Haleakala a few months later. It was coooold and beautiful in a other worldly sort of way as mdmost mentioned.
  5. Gas, tolls, wife's lunch bills (she works downtown in law office)), down to eating out\drive thru two times a week. I have had to spend a little extra money on setting up a home office for the Mrs.
  6. This. Back in the day my grandma would buy these frozen packs of bread dough (maybe frozen maybe not). She would let it sit for a few hours\a day and then bake it. I circled that oven with a butter knife in one hand a large tub of margarine in other. Best stuff ever. If I had to choose one source of food to live on the rest of my life, it would be bread and butter.
  7. Went to Hays City Store yesterday for curbside. Actually had to wait for a little bit. Spoke to one of the managers and said everyone that has been there this week has been very generous with their gratuities. The vibe was that they were managing OK. They are delivering mixed drinks, btw. On a side note, as we were waiting, a super car club was making its way from Driftwood to Wimberley 20-30 cars. When I got back towards my house, I saw 1/2 dozen cyclists.
  8. Midway Richard Jewell Bombshell
  9. Daughter and her Fiance just went to an HEB close by. They got most of what they wanted for food. No TP though. No pics of groceries or daughter.
  10. Ordered a seat last week. Just hope it arrives.
  11. Wonder what Carma did to be randomly called a bitch?
  12. My one business that I hope makes it is Hays City Store: https://hayscitystoretx.com/ If you are in the Kyle, Wimberley, and Driftwood areas, you probably know about them. If not, they are are doing delivery to the area I just mentioned for a 20 dollar minimum and curbside. The owners there work their asses off. No task is beneath them when it comes to keeping things moving there.
  13. Watched the whole thing. I don't care if I ever see another episode after the ending.
  14. So am I the only with a calculator open on my desktop calculating and tracking mortality rates?
  15. My wife stopped by for pickup last night. Waited for two hours.
  16. According to Wiki and parts of my memory, Leaks had a good run of 9 years in the NFL. Primarily as a fullback\blocking back. Played for the Colts and Bills.
  17. No sympathy for the "players" in this. The most like-able person was the old ex-con. He was at least honest and didn't try to act like he was a victim in all of this. Jerry's "brother" was ok too. I wonder how much money uncle Jerry is sitting on...
  18. Good stuff. A few LOL moments. Frank Beard is a funny man.
  19. Pink Panther w\ Steve Martin. Geez.
  20. Apologies, since I am sure that this has been asked before but... I have a couple of electrics and a decent Fender combo tube amp with some modeling capabilities. What would you say is a must purchase for someone who has never bought a pedal before? I have a Fender Strat and an Epiphone Dot.
  21. When my daughter(no pics) was having my 2nd granddaughter (no pics) she was going into labor as my son-in-law (no-pics) was weaving in and out of traffic and riding down the shoulder of North Bound Mopac during rush hour. Dang near had the kid in the car. So, these days I tend to give folks a benefit of a doubt if they happen to be cruising on the shoulder.
  22. Holton Hill says "High!"
  23. This. I wanted the Niners to win. Chiefs had the advantage at QB coming in and it served them well in the end.
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