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Everything posted by BonzoMontreaux

  1. This. I wanted the Niners to win. Chiefs had the advantage at QB coming in and it served them well in the end.
  2. This reminds me of a short lived soap opera called ... Texas. I will never forget a scene about a plane crash in the mountains outside of Galveston. I think I quit watching in the middle of that scene. Just so we are clear... I worked a lot of evenings and shift work in my younger days. So, daytime TV was the only choice I had.
  3. Godfather 3 should have never aired. Sofia Coppola was awful and Pacino forgot all about who Michael Corleone was.
  4. SRV probably hit me the hardest Tom Petty was tough. Saw him the last time he was in Austin. B.B. King - He was old but when he died, I had just lost my job and my father...on the same day. It was the topper for bad things come in threes for sure. Got to seem him play in person. It was a mountain top experience for me. Peart was a bummer... Page and Plant are going to be kick in the sack.
  5. Apparently on the Twitters, Montana has guaranteed his team will win.
  6. Definitely Notre Dame - UH. Maybe should've said 'Chicken Soup Game'.
  7. I wanted to be Len Dawson if for no other reason than he had long hair coming out from under the helmet which was cool to me. Probably why I wore my hair long back then. Guys like Elmo Wright and Willie Lanier were fun to watch and their names were cool to say too. Then Montana comes along a little while later. Montana sports the same look and number but the things that dude could do on a field in the clutch, starting with Ice Bowl, made me a fan of his. I have always pulled for the 49ers to do well since his arrival. While I want the Niners to get their 6th, I will not feel too bad if the Chiefs get it. Mahomes is the face of the new NFL and it is refreshing to see him play. This will be an interesting game to watch.
  8. No love for Bobby Dillon?
  9. Don't know if it is dust or cedar fever... awesome stuff.
  10. Bummer. Spinning up 2112 right now.
  11. Damn shame what MNF has devolved into.
  12. DiCaprio.
  13. I did enjoy it. I definitely want to take another look at it.
  14. Once Upon a Time In Hollywood - The girl(actor) who sold the Acid laced cigarette, was BB from Kill Bill vol 2. I can get why people didn't like it. Too bad the ending could have not been reality.
  15. Had a lady do this on one of our legs on one of our trips this summer. The kicker was she boarded on a wheelchair. She stood up most of the flight talking to friends of hers and then when the plane stopped she starts weasling her way back to the front of the plane. Another plane issue... Flew Southwest over a year ago. We were in the high As so I was hopefuly to get a exit seat. Any way this elderly couple (high 70s at the youngest) grabs the last available aisle. The attendant asks them can they handle the duties involved. The husband nods there is no verbal or physical response from the wife, attendant walks off and the wife asks they husband "What did she say?".
  16. Prince did say something true... the most dangerous place on earth is between Vic Feazell and a camera. csb - I knew the man seen escorting Lucas to McLennan Co. I also met and ate lunch with Mike Cox about a year or so ago. So isn't it the least bit ironic that the Texas Ranger Museum is in Waco? Shame on them and Boutwell. Those poor families.
  17. I get it. I have seen it 10s if not hundreds of times. I don't dislike it at all. Just would be interested to see how it could be done these days.
  18. Should - American Werewolf in London.
  19. No, but she did fry some up in the pan when she got home. True story.
  20. Wife (no pics) hit one between Wimberley and Driftwood a few weeks back. Caused $4K in damage to the vehicle. Could have been way worse than that. Saw two last night on way home from San Marcos on Post Rd. Btw, wife stayed in the car and was able to drive it home.
  21. Watched it last night. Last scene gets me every time.
  22. Got to admit. Back when they first came out, I was like "WTF??" They grew on me over the years. Never get tired of listening to them.
  23. Anyone heard anything about NitroTv or had any experience with them? https://tvnitro.net
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