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Everything posted by BonzoMontreaux

  1. I remember living in Waco and getting dressed up to go to Red Lobster on the weekend and having to wait in line to get in. Water Works was where we went for special occasions.
  2. You would think at some point he would get it. You smoke weed you are NOT playing in the NFL. It's already cost him a lot of money. I don't have an issue with any one smoking weed but if your company has a policy against it you need to change jobs or quit smoking it. I do think the NFL should invest some resources in how marijuana, cbd, etc... can benefit their players and ease up on suspensions related to pot. But until then Holton...
  3. The SRV track of course should be "Couldn't Stand the Weather"
  4. More like pick teaser.
  5. Mrs. Hogwallop up and r-u-n-n-o-f-t...
  6. Ziskey rates the SEC... "They're Pussies!!"
  7. Geez...I realize Morgan and Reynolds aren't everyone's cup of tea but Galindo bad?
  8. Craig Way. Bill Schoenig (sp?) Old School: Frank Fallon Always enjoyed Joe Morgan and Harold Reynolds during CWS. Like Big Ben McDonald as well. Keith Jackson and Chris Schenkel are the Kings.
  9. "You scratched my bumper!!!"
  10. Score - The Godfather and Last of the Mohicans Soundtrack - Pulp Fiction, Dazed and Confused, Almost Famous and O Brother Where Art Thou.
  11. Elmo Wright, Len Dawson and Willie Lanier
  12. Drove through Fairfield this past weekend. Tony Brackens represents!
  13. I would like to see a movie or two about the 442 Infantry Regiment during WWII. I just watched the Ken Burns documentary on WWII and the story of 442 stands out to me the most. It was comprised almost solely of Japanese Americans that fought in the European theater.
  14. "Who wants to go fry an egg..." - Bob Seger Not me that thought this but - "Pe-dro, where you goin with that gun in your hand' - J. Hendrix
  15. None in my neighborhood. 8 in a neighborhood across the street.
  16. I drove a 74 Cordoba around Waco in the late eighties. Vinyl top was about half way gone. Hubcaps only on one side of the vehicle and I never washed it. I also put nothing in it but Golden State oil... Nobody, I mean NOBODY, ever tried to cut me off, dive in front of me on a merge or pull out in front of me.
  17. Watched Dead to Me last Friday. Christina Applegate was great. It was pretty poignant when she was talking about having the double mastectomy. Hopefully she gets an Emmy nod out of this.
  18. From Jaws... the 2 old guys fishing for the shark off the pier with the roast. They way the score sets that scene up and builds the tension while the one guy is swimming back to the dock to get away from the rest of the dock being pulled away and then back to them.... gets me every time. Never once do you see the shark but you KNOW that it is there.
  19. Staying with Godfather II... Mothers funeral... No Dialog, just soundtrack. Michael walks into the room where Fredo is... Fredo seeing Michael...Michael embracing Fredo. Fredo is clinging to Michael...Michael giving the nod to Neri as he holds his brother in his arms. Neri's subtle reaction was like "jesus man"...
  20. Couple of episodes in. Need to see how it goes. My familiarity with Anime is pretty much limited to watching Speed Racer when I was a kid. Which, coincidentally, is around the time I got into the Ultraman live action show. I have not seen anything that is going to turn me off of watching it yet.
  21. Yeah, don't lump in logic and consistency with the NCAA.
  22. LJH is a football player. Hope GMs can see that. Put him in pads and put him in a game. May not burn a lot of folks but he will make plays.
  23. I submit: The Superstars
  24. Thanks for the updates, Machinator!
  25. I'm a Montana guy at heart. He played during a time when folks could still get in some good licks on quarterbacks that are not legal now. He certainly had the benefit of playing under Bill Walsh too. In addition to that, during that run in the 80s only 5 players ended up with rings from all 4 wins. Jerry Rice was NOT one of them, btw. All that being said, I have no issue with Brady being called or just being the GOAT. The run him and Belichek have put together is something that we will never be seen again, imo. Dude is in his 40s and still getting it done. Legendary AF. Belichek in his 60s still punking all comers when the money is on the line too.
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