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Everything posted by BonzoMontreaux

  1. Try this from YouTube I make no guarantees about the site that is streaming it.
  2. I've got a couple of purple salvia plants next to the house. I planted them probably in 2020. They are great plants and very resilient to boot... but that is not what pleases me. It's the Bumblebees that are constantly flying around them right now. I feel like I have done something that is beneficial for them and for mankind. I could watch the Bumblebees for hours.
  3. This one hurts. His voice as well as his on screen presence are iconic (such an understatement...). RIP JEJ.
  4. Hello, neighbor.
  5. There could be something like Geico SkyCam or SkyVue (whatever it is...) feed from an ESPN network game on ESPN+. For the unfamiliar, it has no announcers but it shows everything from the offense's POV from behind the LOS. I caught part of the Bama game on that feed this past weekend.
  6. Bad Beer Rots Our Young Guts But Vodka Goes Well
  7. Checking out Suppose | Compare Streaming TV Services , FUBO appears to be the best streaming choice as others have pointed out if you want to watch the Rangers or 'Stros, etc...
  8. Re: Religion classes in public schools... There are colleges out there that will require you to take a religion course or two. In that context, for college credit, I have no issue. The classes can be taught in a non-religious manner. I have had such an experience at JUCO when I was contemplating going to Baylor. It was in spring of 93 at MCC in Waco... there were some great discussions in that class about the goings on a few miles away.
  9. Columbus picked up a kid that was a part of a six man team that had won 3 championships. He won 4 championship mvps. 3 on offense and also took home the Defensive mvp for one of those games. Anyways, the kid is more than capable of playing at this level. Too lazy to look up his name. Just caught the Columbus highlights on the Texas High School recap show.
  10. Late 80s, early 90s...
  11. Saw George, Conway Twitty, and Merle Haggard at the HOT Coliseum in Waco years ago. I am not the biggest C&W fan in the world but it was a fantastic event. I remember before the concert started, people talking about whether Jones would show up or not. He did of course and opened with - 'They Call Me No Show Jones'.
  12. In. Initial reaction to watching that clip was 'What took them so long to do this?'
  13. Exile holds a special place in my heart. Was living in Waco in the late 80s when they came to town. Wife and I were basically friends at the time. Her and a friend of hers had tix for the concert. Her friend had to bail because of a headache. She called me to see if I wanted to go and I agreed. Basically have been together since that night.
  14. I would love to see how much money China “donates” to the IOC. If there was a Mt Rushmore for corruption, they (IOC) would be among the first to get a spot.
  15. I called it. I had witnesses.
  16. I called 15 right before the score was announced. Her elevation is otherworldly. Great to see her win.
  17. I don’t think they were party to that.
  18. Hehehe, my granddaughter (16yo... absolutely, no pics) was in the pit. She did not pass out. Girl she was with at the concert(nope, no pics) *caught* someone that passed out. GD was psyched when ZB looked in her direction and stopped the show.
  19. I would think that Checo's finish this weekend after being on the front row to start would be a huge nail in the coffin. I know he landed in the top 10 but that cannot sit well with RB. That was his best chance to show he could stick with them. As much as I like Hamilton, that is the polar opposite of how I feel about Russell. Hehehe. Agree on Toto's demeanor when watching in real time. Looked like he new something was up.
  20. Re: Video... Peer universities? Like all of them? Not looking at you Florida or Vandy... Bohls is indeed a cunt.
  21. O…M…G
  22. They should hand out pacifiers and bubble guns to these titty babies.
  23. I had a user name I used for years on LFZ and something happened to where I couldn't use it. So, I just grabbed a username out of thin air... I may have been listening to Led Zep and BonzoMontreaux popped into my head for a name. I think I tried to use that old username when I signed up here but I couldn't use it for some reason. Maybe tried to register too many times... anyways, just stuck with BonzoMontreaux.
  24. Gotta say B.B. King. Years ago the wife asked me would you pay hundreds of dollars to see some so and so. I replied the only person I would ever pay that kind of money to see is B.B. King. (When she asked, she had just bought B.B. King tix and booked us a B&B in Galveston and surprised me with the trip a few months down the road... it(concert) was 2005 on OU weekend to boot.) It was a mountain top experience. I loved watching him play since I was probably about 5 or 6 years old.
  25. To be clear, I am not talking about having dirt all the way around the base paths.... just replacing the brown turf around the bags. Anyone can do it as long as they have a bubble machine.
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