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Delta Charlie

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Everything posted by Delta Charlie

  1. Audio books is the only way I do books now. Audible.com is a great service that I have used for years. Their selection of podcasts is also very good. A good reader can turn a bad book into a masterpiece. But a boring reader can ruin anything.
  2. Just finished Fairy Tale. Really enjoyed it. it somewhat reminded me of Jack Sawyer's trip through "The Territories". A great story.......There are other worlds than these...
  3. Are we sure that Campbell and Al_4_ISU are not the same person? Because from this thread, they seem to have a lot of the same cunty, bitchy traits.
  4. I was at the JA/SP at Moody last night. Overall, a terrific show. Perry can't sing like he used to, but I get it. They played Mountain Song which IMO, is one of the best rock songs of all time. SP was great too. There was nothing from "Gish", but an interesting take on a Talking Heads song. Highlight of the show was "Silverfuck" in its full volume glory.......Bang Bang You're Dead..Hole in Your Head.....
  5. Did you party with this guy? Google map image from Monterrey.
  6. Sure, but he's a "music snob". He's never heard of the band Phoenix either. It's not like they are obscure. This is what really turns me off on that show. I can deal with the "crap bag", the aggyness brimming under the surface of each football take, even the wrestling/UFC he brings up. But I CANNOT deal with his just pitiful knowledge of music when the tries to guess the band or artist the producer plays as the show comes back from commercials. It's just horrible and he should be god damned ashamed. Then, he doubles down and calls himself a "music" snob. I just can't handle it and for that reason, I'm out.
  7. I've never understood why the 9.95 "media" goes so freaking batshit crazy over the depth chart. If Sark doesn't want to put one out, that's his damn choice. I can just see Brian Davis furiously typing up a piece right now lamenting that he does not a have a DEPTH CHART!
  8. However it went down, it as time to shake up show during the 12-3 window. Trey seemed like a good guy. He was a little to judgmental for my taste. Chad is OK, but I can only take so much "crap bag", uniform color discussion and wrestling. For a so called "music snob", he didn't know shit about shit unless it was Pantera.
  9. eh? I must have missed this. What report and what did it say?
  10. Was this the game where Limas Sweed was called for a BS offensive pass interference penalty on a jump ball he caught in the endzone? I believe we ended up not scoring on that drive that probably would have won us that game. I think I have the game right, but it's been a long time.
  11. Any word on if there are any leftover OU tickets the ticket office will sell?
  12. Coach PK has a sense of humor. Now, Coach, do something about it!
  13. I just like that the designers thought it through and made this an option. The flexibility built into the design of the Moody is certainly a big deal. Big concert? Open up the upper level for more fans. Smaller show? close the upper level off for great sound. Hoops - let's start small, but have the option to go big!
  14. For basketball, none of the upper level seats will be open. The large white panels will be brought down to cover them up. Only the lower level and club seats will be used for the games. I suppose eventually, those seats might be opened up for hoops if we were to host some NCAA games, but for now, only lower level seats are available. I also suppose they could open up the upper level for select games, but a strategy for the sales of those seats would have to be figured out to keep them in Texas fans' hands.
  15. I got an email from the AD telling me I had made the cut to order season tickets. I thought about it for 5 seconds and pulled the trigger on two. Donation requirement was $250/seat. I may or may not keep them after this year, but I thought I'd give it a shot to be in there for the first season of the Moody. Not a bad seat in the house. Plus, the team will actually be pretty damn good. Gonzaga, Creighton, KU, BU, Tech are all games that should be rocking in new arena.
  16. I got the email on Monday about being able to purchase 2 extra. Jumped on that quick. Upper rows of Section 32.
  17. I was at that show as well. And, you aren't totally wrong. I thought last night's show was much better than the one out at COTA.
  18. A Jack White show is loud, non stop, raucous, energetic and I'll say it again, loud. In other words, its a perfect rock show. Last night was no exception. His backing band was as tight as could be, and Jack is a damn lead guitar beast. It was a good crowd too. The upper deck was closed off and the entire lower bowl was pretty much filled up. Damn good show.
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