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  1. It's my understanding that somewhere in the Constitution (maybe the 22nd amendment) it spells out the requirement that the VP must be eligible to be President. Since he's ineligible via the 22nd he isn't eligible to run as VP. And yes I know he doesn't give a fuck and he's gonna try and run anyway.
  2. fake Jerry spelling out "d-o-t com" cracked me up
  3. Yeah this is the first I've heard of "scorigami" and after checking out the website it's just......why? Is there a point?
  4. You recently changed your avatar, right? For a while I recognized your prior one as the guy who wouldn't stop talking about his upcoming move to Hawaii and a fascination with another island out in the Pacific, and how he was the smartest guy in the room because of it. So mental note to self, you're now the ASU avatar. And you've hopefully experienced expat life before to know that A) nobody in the US gives a shit that you're an expat. Sure there will be a "Cool, how do you like it there?" conversation in an effort to be pleasant. But nobody gives a flying fuck that you live overseas and they definitely don't think you're as brilliant as you think are; and B) the grass is always greener my dude, you'll be complaining about the same exact shit on this same exact message board once the honeymoon wears off. So yeah, keep dropping in with the condescending comments pretending to be some expat genius. Whether you like it or not we're all in this together and it doesn't matter if you're living within or outside the US borders. And I say all of this as a former expat myself who was part of communities overseas that had guys just like you show up to happy hours. It was a beating hearing you argue how superior you were to the Americans back home, meanwhile the rest of the group couldn't wait until you left, and the locals thought you were losers too. So, congrats?
  5. Anyone else think the Hardline's "trifecta" death segment is fucking stupid? Immediate station change when I hear the 'd-e-a-t-h' and guitar riff.
  6. We are going to win.
  7. The TSA thing could be a randomly selected exercise? That one's the least fishy of the two, but the AA agent filming people definitely is weird. Those company issued iPads have a lot of passenger data so maybe AA wants updated headshots for everyone. And we probably agreed to it via some random hidden clause they threw into the fine print when we bought the ticket. 🙄
  8. Kamala's Fox News interview was taped this afternoon and airs tonight, right?
  9. Just saw on the news the Frontier pilots reported smoke in the cockpit while still in the air.
  10. Saw a NOTAM today, effective October 30th Regional Approach will become Lone Star Approach. How clever lol.
  11. My worry about NC is the unknown amount of voters that will vote a split ticket of Trump/D governor. Doesn't make any sense why one would vote that way but I'm sure there's some backwards Twilight Zone justification they've come up with. And ironically (sadly) those are the same types of voters in TX that give Allred a chance.
  12. Nebraska back at it trying to change their EC rules to winner-take-all at the last minute. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/lindsey-graham-nebraska-electoral-college-vote-kamala-harris/
  13. My hot take... The pilot will eventually get a call/letter from the FAA asking for more info. Unlikely there will be a suspension unless there were other blatant issues like expired medical, lapsed 24 month flight review, the plane wasn't airworthy, etc. Main downside for the pilot is for all future job applications/forms he'll have to check "Yes" he has been involved in an incident and will have to share the details with future employers. Maybe not an automatic disqualifier but it sucks having to explain it. But if the pilot is only flying for leisure with no aspirations professionally there's not likely to be any further consequences.
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