Some recent swallows, or "swallers" as I like to say. Regardless of how you say it, they are some of the most difficult birds to photograph.
Barn Swallow.
Cliff Swallow:
The barny was buzzing me last week while I was trying to get close to a scissortail in a tree. When I failed at that and the scissortail flew off, I shifted to the barn swallow and jacked up the ISO and shutter speed and managed to grab a decent one, though it required a little bit of fancy sharpening tool voodoo.
I noticed the cliff swallows while driving on a frontage road. There was a big swarm circling around an overpass, so I circled around and came back again and parked at a convenience store. I had my camera with me as usual, and I thought it might be a rare opportunity to get some shots. They weren't buzzing close enough to get a good one, and they were swarming so fast and randomly cutting. Then I saw they started swooping down to a couple of puddles by the road after it had rained earlier that morning. I found an ambush spot to set up with the sun behind me, still a little high but not bad, and was able to get them diving in to grab some mud and zip off again.