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BornAndRaised last won the day on June 25 2024

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12930 Surly 1%

About BornAndRaised

  • Birthday 12/07/1993

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  1. FWIW I heard Moore isn’t coming back, but that was 3rd hand info. That’s being said I don’t think Marvin jones has the juice worth a squeeze.
  2. Im not reading the whole game thread if it's been discussed, but look @immamac that drunk dumbass at the bar was so loud and wrong.
  3. Same. I just did more than a cursory google search to find the name origination. Only thing I can come up with is it means "you're welcome," in somali. I wonder if he's eastern european based on the double vowel in his last name. Either way it'll be a fun cycle of he commits early of watching everyone misspell and mispronounce his name until a 995er asks the hard question of "how do you pronounce that?"
  4. Not sure if this goes in Transfer Portal or OU thread. I'm putting it in both for maximum laughs.
  5. I wish the best for him as well until he lines up against us. That being said I don't think a coach with an uncertain future will be the most doting sponsor or resource to lean on while trying to kick whatever the fuck he's putting in his body now. Hope he can straighten out.
  6. Didn’t realize Duke had the dollars to pull something off like this. Explains Murphy going to Oregon State.
  7. I wonder where the Bastrop DL ranks on our board. He seems pretty like he’s been getting a ton of buzz even as a junior. https://www.on3.com/db/tiki-hola-180621/
  8. Any local Austinites want to get together to yell at the TV together? I know we did a watch party at Lavaca Street bar downtime for a few games the year before last. If no interest no biggie, but I'm sure all you degens could use some alcohol during the game and some family free time. Or bring them, I don't really care. Just posting early to spitball locations and interest.
  9. Anyone smarter than me able to compare the PFF of the available DT's in the portal? My initial instinct is the Utah and ISU tackles, with a must-get designation on the Clemson tackle if he actually enters. would love to hear other perspectives.
  10. Interesting Finley is on a top 10 prospects lists. It didn’t seem like the staff was showing him the same priority earlier this year, but they may have been because of class and not importance.
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