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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BornAndRaised

  1. I read the first line about they've comitted a lot to Weigman, and thats all I needed to see. However bad Weigman is, I don't see anyone being better than him on their depth chat, and that bodes well for us. "Yeah Weigman sucks but Elko is playing football politics so he's gonna start still moving forward."
  2. Nice to be back in on DL again. Sims, Mbatchou, Wynn. Should I worry about the numbers yet?
  3. I don't either to be honest, but it doesn't mean he's not worth it.
  4. Could be the reason we're still on Mbatchou even though we're big game hunting now.
  5. I saw this previous offaeason that choice got a minimum pay raise or something. I took that to mean he was going to look around this off season. Would love to lock that up long term.
  6. I move to name him Tickle Me Elko. I overheard it at the csu tailgate and laugh every time I think of it.
  7. Shades of the Kelvin Banks, DJ Campbell and cam Williams haul.
  8. 👀circle back to Zion? Justus Terry? Terry seems like the Mercenary type. Jalen Wiggins after Napier finishes cratering this year?
  9. Just woke up and saw Auburn lost. Yikes. They got any tackles we want?
  10. I was wondering the same. I'm sure the 9,95ers will make it known soon if that was the case. Althought LHF just posted a screenshot from the FSU board. one of their mods said they've reached out to Charles the past 2 days for comment and never got a response. Maybe he had already set up his flip.
  11. Yeah fuck nuts, Arch looks real concerned with his lack of playing time. Fuck off.
  13. If I recall, he was leaning more into the bag game side of things when NIL was really getting set up. There might have been more.
  14. Gameday lost power. I pray to god that wasn't one of the drunks at the Surly Tailgate tripping over a power cable.
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