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  1. Starting with 2?? With this crew, anything that doesn't start with 1 or a 4 is absolutely insane.
  2. Agree. I think we have seen peak Chiefs.
  3. Wut? Is Lurie and his wife not sitting in a suite?
  4. I'm hard right now.
  5. So, Lay's uses child labor. Good to know.
  6. Eagles fans...
  7. Great googley moogley.
  8. WTF is wrong with Brown??
  9. Billy Crystal looks pretyy good for 86.
  10. It's growing on me. Could be a little smaller, but do we really need to see the score of the S Carolina St women's BB score every 5 minutes?
  11. I wouldn't have called either of those ticky tack fouls. NY needs to call down and tell them to knock this chit off.
  12. The NFL says they dont favor the Chefs and then they pull that?? SMH.
  13. I never learn...tails never fails.
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