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Everything posted by Asu2215

  1. How does Michigan not get flagged for that shit?
  2. OU thinking, 'Why are we going to the SEC to get our shit pushed in?? If this is their second best team, we could own the P12.'
  3. Is the term 'Gundying' a thing yet?
  4. Does no one see the irony that he played for Mike Price?
  5. Good Lord. Someone might drive Shaw to SFO so they can tarmac him.
  6. If he's gonna be that gutless, he should just quit coaching at halftime.
  7. LOL at how engaged Clay is (running down the sideline to call a timeout) being down 42-20 with 50 seconds left. Too late bud.
  8. Arkansas is going to start referring to these uniforms as the 'prison' uniforms. As in, remember those uniforms we wore the night we raped Texas and went to prison.
  9. If your best offensive play call is defensive targeting, then you've got bigger problems.
  10. Is Sark doing the drinking during the game thing again?? Jeebus.
  11. Texas to the Big12, 'I've been thinking things over...' Big12, 'I just wanna be friends.'
  12. Was that Herschel Walker going over the top. Ho Lee Fook as they would say at the San Francisco airport.
  13. OU to the SEC. LOL. Gonna get their shit pushed in regularly.
  14. What about Univ of Hawaii and Hawaii Tech U?
  15. Who cares about eh GOR money?? It's pocket change over the long-term? However, if I was OK, I would enjoy my shot at the CFB Playoff now because it's those playoff appearances are going to be few and far between in the SEC.
  16. Kill the pig. Cut its throat. Spill its blood. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/08/04/roger-marshall-doj-investigate-espn-role-502451
  17. I'd hate to see what he says about those pussies who are diagnosed with cancer.
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