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Everything posted by housious

  1. What’s the pitch count on Green if he’s throwing well?
  2. He can’t make contact with the ball and he’s cost the Astros numerous strikes over the last few games. 12 year old little league catchers can frame the ball correctly. What’s up with this guy?
  3. I’d sell Ricky’s Heisman for $500k as well. Not going to blame him here.
  4. Alvarez is just a beating right now.
  5. That's what she said
  6. The 1999 Spurs could have made the MLB playoffs and won the Ryder cup
  7. Hardly anyone left behind home plate. Fantastic
  8. I wonder what Smoltz would say if he was pitching with these errors behind him
  9. Smoltz needs to learn how to finish a thought while on a live broadcast
  10. Sure. The run total doesn’t reflect how they are swinging the bats
  11. Hitting liners right at them. This team is due to explode
  12. Damn right it was. Though it was a double in the gap coming off the bat
  13. Felt like he got squeezed a bit compared to Tanaka. The. He got completely hosed
  14. Should go all Bobby Knight on his ass
  15. Don’t see balls called right down the middle very often
  16. Agreed. That was one of the worst fields I've ever seen. Always enjoyed the Houston Open, so hopefully it can attract some bigger names to come back.
  17. Have you thought about tearing down the dad’s fence in retaliation?
  18. To be fair, the yankees would be scary in a playoff series with Cole as their ace
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