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Post Oak

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Everything posted by Post Oak

  1. What the fuck did you trade Jay Buhner for?
  2. Nansen seems to be a great hire so far. Now I just hope he can coach up the LBs
  3. Just finished this. 4 stars. I didn't know if I was going to like this one because I've read a couple of his NF books and they were meh. It seems he has some talent for fiction. Gets started quickly and then it's off. I appreciate that. He has some quirks that I don't care for but all in all it was a good read. Even if you don't care about the 100 Years War, which I don't. First in a trilogy. Started on this one. In an American Revolution mood.
  4. Just got out. Really enjoyed it. Not great by any means but good, funny and worth your time.
  5. Somebody from Surly wrote the article Dr. Sean Hollonbeck’s name is highly-regarded in the local veterans community
  6. Yep. And really all you need is the first 15 minutes of C&F. After that they reset. 15 mins later they do it again.
  7. What a great idea. Texas needs to do something like this on a statewide level.
  8. Seems like he was a really good player before injuries. Hopefully he can stay healthy and they can bring January and Sydiir along as quickly as they develop.
  9. I've said it before and I'll say it again, being a Republican politician is the easiest fucking job in the world. We're gonna take away your Medicare. - Fuck yeah Murica. We're going to raise your taxes and give billionaires breaks. - Fuckin libruls. We're gonna make your schools shittier? - I didn't finish high school and I turned out just fine. Jesus. I can't believe that worked. Let's take away their porn. - Thank you sir may I have another. I could go on and on and on.
  10. The right is getting better at comedy and I, a lib, am getting nervous.
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