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Everything posted by Hammerhead

  1. Just tryin to catch up reading posts but had to quote this. It’s the surly way. Lol
  2. Exactly this. If it’s done with Meyer they already have the timing of how it’s gonna be done
  3. Any words from the ohio side of things about how delusional we are?
  4. I liked that show. It’s happening
  5. They are ribbing him a lot cuz they know already. Urban just laughs and jokes around things. No mention of a “no” he won’t coach again. we gots him. It’s gotta be happening!
  6. Urban kicked ass that segment. Fox will indeed miss him.
  7. This should keep this thread going for a while.
  8. Urban ignored it woulda loved to seen the look on his face when they did
  9. It’s gonna be funny watching everyone pretend nothings going on.
  10. I heard that the Ecisd took themselves out of the playoffs because if they didn’t do it themselves then the UIL was gonna do it. Apparently, the football team and some parents protested this afternoon at Ecisd
  11. I know...I know... the valley but if any of u all are ever down in harlingen, u gotta go by Las Vegas cafe and try their enchiladas. Just sayin.
  12. That athleticism. Man, this team will only get better. And I wanna see them run and press. Hopefully their shooting gets better but that may be asking too much.
  13. Never gave up! Showin grit. I like it a lot.
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