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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ztejas

  1. I mean I'm not making shit up here. Moving Pictures - phenomenal. Born to Run - phenomenal. I go and put the Arcade Fire album from 2022 on with the same settings and I instantly have issues. Shit is cracking and popping all over the place. But mixing is better now? Give me a fucking break. Go listen to Purple Rain then listen to anything from the past 15 years. #enshittification
  2. I'm bumping this and I'm sticking by my thread title. It's a lost art. I've spent hours today listening to a ton of stuff from the past 10 or 15 years - a lot of it in my car. I frequently have to adjust my stereo settings to get shit to sound right or to not blow my speakers out. You know what instantly sounded fucking amazing, regardless of what volume I had my phone at or what the dials were set to in my car? This idea that mixing has come a long way is such bullshit. Maybe it has but it isn't put into practice.
  3. Oh yeah. This one too. I'm feeling very melancholy and nostalgic tonight.
  4. I mean isn't that like a typical record for them historically?
  5. Sochan tonight - actually gets 30 minutes - goes 18/11/3 on 7/9 FG, 1/1 3P, 3/4 FT. Hey maybe put him in the fucking starting lineup. He's a top 50 defender in the NBA.
  6. You're God damn right he might.
  7. You have multiple people telling you to chill the fuck out but because I'm drunk - btw I'm drunk a lot - you're suddenly off the hook? I mean if you want to project upon others and not take accountability or show any humility then whatever but "well ztejas was hammered so it doesn't matter what I posted tonight" is a wild take.
  8. Billy D outclasses anyone currently coaching in college imo. He's a pipe dream because he's done very well at the NBA level and has no reason to leave. If he wants to stay in the league someone will give him a job. Billy D and Hurley is maybe a toss-up but Donovan would be coming in with a fresh mind and you would think would have some newfound motivation to stamp his name again.
  9. Dude the CEO of this company is smoking crack. I just went by with a coupon for a $6 3 piece tender, side, biscuit. This is what I got: I got 6 tenders, double fries with a biscuit. Popeye's does not give a damn. You never know what you're getting when you pull into that drive thru. Honestly maybe triple fries. They fucked me up.
  10. Idk I'm fucking hammered right now hitting on this milf whose daughter works at the bar that I'm at right now.
  11. Bro you went to fucking Missouri. Shut the fuck up. Sleep this one off. You're better than this.
  12. Not even an expensive one.
  13. We beat the Grizz. Extend Mitch. Mitch get the picture.
  14. I don't think that that's the way that this community or UT itself looks upon fandom but if you want to be the t-shirt-fan gatekeeping-czar as a dude that didn't cross the stage for your bachelor's in Austin then go ahead. I think what the community here as a whole is telling you is quit being a fucking dickhead.
  15. I wouldn't hire Monty Williams to watch my dog while I went to get cigarettes.
  16. No one is saying that doesn't count you are the one admonishing someone else for not holding an undergrad from Texas.
  17. I told y'all the other night that Texas is about to go big and we still have people in here suggesting a Rick Barnes rerun or the dude at Vandy. Y'all need to open your horizons.
  18. So then why don't you chill the fuck out. You are calling someone else out for not graduating from Texas yet you yourself didn't graduate from Texas. I'm sure you have done plenty of positive things for UT - just like @immamac has. Just like I have. None of us hold undergrad degrees from UT. Take a chill pill bro. We are all Texas fans. Not all of us had the same path getting there.
  19. The Spurs suck but we would kick the everliving dogshit out of Auburn. Already there 😂
  20. I'll quit thread jacking but that's kind of the point. Dudes watch dogshit fucking college or NBA games all the time but won't give women's ball the time of day.
  21. Right... And like I have said, CC won't be the last. Watch some women's ball Helo. It won't kill you. Most of it is better than that Texas/Georgia first half from just now.
  22. Didn't you not go to Texas for your bachelor's?
  23. I like how you talked a bunch of shit in my "women's basketball is the next big thing" thread and now you're saying "well if this girl goes to Texas I may start watching" Like - hey - dipshit - people like you are what I'm talking about when I say this thing could blow up.
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