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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ztejas

  1. "I don't see this doom thing working out, guys"
  2. They haven't won a cup in over 30 years, but, sure.
  3. I liked La La Land but I would also watch Gosling and Stone wait in line at the DMV so YMMV.
  4. He looks great for just having had an open heart surgery with 50% mortality.
  5. I don't know. I wouldn't mind saving Moser's job. He's slowly strangling the life out of that program.
  6. No I actually hope that you go die in a hole with none of your family around to witness.
  7. I wish you both nothing but pain and misery for as long as you attempt to be Lakers "fans".
  8. Why anyone but Tre has been shooting down the stretch here is insane.
  9. This is really bad. Entire team looks like they've quit. Do your thing CDC.
  10. It doesn't really matter all of them suck.
  11. Pretty sure Larry isn't on the floor.
  12. Pope is such a fucking beating. Any coach worth a shit would have started Larry coming out of half.
  13. That's a weak ass charge call but Texas deserves it so far. Embarassing effort.
  14. Because he's a fucking loser. Larry should have been in for him 5 mins ago.
  15. Pope is such a fucking fraud. If RT leaves I need him to leave as well.
  16. He needs to retire and we need to find a real head coach. It kind of is his own terms if he is physically incapable of coaching the team anymore.
  17. Let's go take care of business, Horns. Not giving up on Tre and crew just yet.
  18. Tigers are good. They beat Duke at home a few games ago. Hope y'all had fun - as designed it's a pretty incredible college basketball venue. Hope we start filling it with better basketball.
  19. Honestly I thought the black girl in 25 fucking killed it. I'd watch a Bond with her as the lead.
  20. That's fair and I think that stat is dumb because everyone and their mother knows that he can coach ball. My only point is that whatever coaching at Ole Miss has cost him career stat-wise he deserves and is an accurate reflection on who he is.
  21. Fucking stupid question. Now you can debate it.
  22. Bro. Just let it go. He just likes fucking with you and knows that he can always get a rise out of you. Debate the topic at hand with someone like me that will not always agree with you but will always do so in good faith.
  23. I think you're missing the point. Coaches that don't hugely fuck up their personal life don't subject themselves to total rebuilds after being at a job for less than 2 seasons.
  24. ztejas

    Austin FC

    Wish I was going to the game. That way I wouldn't have to keep watching this Texas basketball team.
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