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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ztejas

  1. That pass D from Tech is something else.
  2. I'm at a bar with TVs on mute. I'm well aware of Andre's dipshitterousness. Who is on pbp?
  3. Because you touch yourself.
  4. Who gives a shit.
  5. Randy Vagina? I think I've seen some movies with that chick.
  6. I don't know if he's top 5 yet but I'll give him top 10 without hesitation. Someone posted that in his last 9 or so games he was at like 30/10/4 dimes/4 blocks on basically 50/40/90. Stupid fucking numbers. I'm a fan of the cameo. Tune in more and liven the thread up. The less we all have to read me and @Kermit's bullshit the better.
  7. They didn't do it on purpose. It's in Memphis. They got stolen.
  8. Seems contrary to their decision to not take the 3 earlier but Joey Herpes Face may not have those critical thinking skills.
  9. Oh it's in Memphis. The way they have it set-up is unrecognizable.
  10. Because we're going to murder ASU.
  11. Where are they playing this shit? A BeyBlade arena? Reminds me of the time I went to go see SMU lose by like 35 points to La Tech in Frisco's MLS stadium.
  12. @ButtFumble that FG would look nice right now. just fucking with you.
  13. Look I mean - that's always going to happen.
  14. Yeah but they paid $12 million for some wide receiver who won't make a shit. Advantage Tech.
  15. I'm having 2015-2021 Texas flashbacks watching this pass D.
  16. Well - they didn't convert - but beyond that it's the 1st quarter and you're at the 4 yard line with a chance to get within 8.
  17. Tech is stupid as shit if they don't kick here.
  18. Did you know he and Shipley's dad were roommates?
  19. Well it's a TD now. Tech D ain't get the travel memo.
  20. Think that stays a TD. Very close.
  21. And I mean - how deep can we go on the post 2008 Tiger list...
  22. We really put Arky in the title over Tech? Fuck the rash-raiders. Rooting for transitive scoreboard over those douches.
  23. Um. What the fuck happened to Scottie? Broken-glass related wound in his palm and he's out a month? I swear golfers routinely suffer the dumbest, frat-boyesque injuries. Bryson hurt himself playing ping-pong. Rory hurt himself awhile back playing soccer (sorry, football) with his buddies. DJ fell down the stairs of his rental at the Masters.
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