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Dry Elbows

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Everything posted by Dry Elbows

  1. Article in the Victoria Advocate said he had a .21 bac.
  2. The flounder hatchery at Sea Center Texas just recently got up and running. They are still working on getting the process down. A good friend of mine started that project when he was at TPWD. They've been stocking trout for years.
  3. I don't know the answers to your questions. I've heard from people that saw/talked to him earlier in the evening that he was pretty liquored up.
  4. What I’ve heard is a blood draw was done some time after the incident at the hospital. Not sure if the guy was injured. Due to the length of time, they had to extrapolate his BAC at time of accident.
  5. My furnace is gas but the blower is electric.
  6. He was arrested last week at his house in POC by Game Wardens. They got him when he came in from prefishing for Legends.
  7. I like the walnut carrot cake.
  8. Ventura's is good. I'll also hit Frances Marie's for Mexican food. Used to go through there a lot more when I was traveling for work.
  9. See if you can book a trip with Eric Ozolins. He's a shark guide, but the best on PINS.
  10. I thought it was Milky Way in the US.
  11. That seems like it would have a gritty feeling in your mouth. Also, I generally find the pre-ground pepper one finds in restaurants to lack flavor. Fresh ground or go home.
  12. How much did it weigh? 18 hours is a long time at 270.
  13. One of the most versatile boots you can own.
  14. It is pretty wild. All about whether you were in the path of those training bands. I've had close to 12" at my house in the past 24 hours. Based on the radar, we should get a reprieve soon.
  15. According to Space City Weather the turn has already started and it is doing exactly what was predicted.
  16. It would be bad enough during the day, but can you imagine going through this storm at night? Fuck. That.
  17. Word. I’m on Copra. Lat22 is down here, too.
  18. Where you at on Tiki?
  19. NHC still isn't moving it west.
  20. I've listened to the Bingham episode. It's great. I'm driving to Junction tomorrow, I'll check out the Charlie Sexton episode.
  21. https://underwatergreenfishinglights.com/
  22. I have underwater green lights on my dock. One overhead and one underwater. In less than 18 months the underwater one has gone out twice. It has been fixed, but not sure what was wrong, as it was warranty. But I understand this is pretty common.
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