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Dry Elbows

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Everything posted by Dry Elbows

  1. Was that a custom on a Loomis blank or an off-the-rack rod? Loomis doesn't sell blanks to the public anymore, so I'm not sure how they would handle it. If was off-the-rack, I bet they do something to work with you. If you're game for trying another Loomis product, check out the Conquest; it's a bad bitch.
  2. Fished West Galveston on Saturday. Bounced around to a few places before I finally found fish. Caught 10-12 trout in the 2-3# range. When I went to head in I discovered my prop had somehow come off. Fortunately a buddy of mine was willing to grab my spare from my house and bring it out. All in all, a beautiful day on the water.
  3. Yes. Been to the Central Houston banquet 8-10 times and POC a couple of times. San Antonio has a huge banquet.
  4. In "The Dropout" podcast, one of the first employees she lured away from Apple talks about how she peppered him with questions about Jobs, including his wardrobe. Next thing he knew, she was showing up in fancy turtlenecks.
  5. It's a real life Ralph Wiggum.
  6. May be good on Thursday. Supposed to warm up.
  7. Perhaps. But he looked strung the fuck out.
  8. Saw Turnpike at the HLSR last night. Felker looked like hammered dog shit. Zero energy until the last two songs. They put on a good show, just lacked the energy I normally associate with seeing them live.
  9. Can we use part of the wreath fund to buy out Lowell Galindo's contract?
  10. Sport Marine in Richmond on 359. Great folks.
  11. I don't fish tournaments, but saw the POC Champions Cup is going to have a legit payout even without the calcutta and side pots. I thought about entering, but haven't fished POC in years and don't have the time to scout right now.
  12. Jimmy Burns owns Waterloo Rods.
  13. What's better about it? Jimmy may have some new rods coming out soon. At least one of them is very nice.
  14. The UltraMag is my go to rod from Waterloo. Excellent for plastics and Corkies. For reels, I really like the Team Lew's Lite and Shimano Chronarch G. I fish alone a good bit; maybe 60-70% of the time. This time of the year I am looking for one thing - big trout. A lot of guys I fish with just don't have the patience or confidence to fish for that one bite. I'm an addict for the hard thump on a Fat Boy and ripping drag from a sow trout.
  15. One thing I don't like about the Tecovas (admittedly never seen a pair in person) is that they all have the same upper, just in different colors.
  16. I live in Houston and I've sadly started buying most of my stuff online, so I can't imagine how paltry the selection is if you don't even have the little we have here. Even with FTU in my backyard, I can almost never find what I need. I make 1-2 big orders from Bass Assassin a year for plastics and jig heads, and buy my braid (Seaguar Smackdown) from Tackle Warehouse or Tackle Direct. I get all of my rods from Waterloo. I have more Corkies than I'll ever use, but on occasion pick up a few Customs from Waterloo or Johnny's Sport Shop.
  17. For you saltwater guys (and freshwater, if you're interested), check out what my good friend Chris Bush and his crew have going on at The Specked Truth. http://blog.thespeckledtruth.com/ They also have Facebook and Instagram pages. The Trophy Trout Citation and Dirty 30" programs are good stuff.
  18. You can listen to the new Hayes Carll at this link: https://www.npr.org/2019/02/07/691387517/first-listen-hayes-carll-what-it-is?fbclid=IwAR12uqmhlu0GtcVdBvB2yfeKym2kMxQuFwOCpOZAkYn1z35zZAMlMsBW62g
  19. Moonset minor. It can go off. Just got back from two tough days in Baffin. It was cold, windy, wet, and raw. Caught fish, just not the ones you go to Baffin for. Had a great time staying at a buddy's cabin.
  20. I like days leading up to and including the full moon and the same on new moon. I do not like days immediately after the full moon. I'll also take any day a minor lines up with sunrise or sunset. And to a lesser degree when a major lines up with either of them. I am of the opinion there is always a feeding period when the sun rises and when it sets that is enhanced by a major/minor feed. Agree bluebird days are tough. I will downsize my bait (Corky Fat Boy to SoftDine XL) to try and entice some fish to eat. Sunday was partly cloudy in East Matagorda. There was a good bite on the morning minor (that lined up with sunrise). After the minor it was a grind.
  21. There is a place on Bissonnet just east of Kirby called Shoe Savers. The guy that runs the place is kind of a dick and it's not the cheapest place, but they do great work.
  22. I sent a pair in about two years ago around Christmas time. It took about that long. They told me it would have been quicker but sent in the busy season.
  23. I have four tickets to Tyler Childers at Gruene Hall on 12.13.18 that I cannot use. Looking to get face value, which is $100 total. I'm in Houston. PM if interested.
  24. You didn't miss anything with the Core. Still have three 50Mgs I use on occasion.
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