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Everything posted by happyfunball

  1. Hate gilibrand and yang but if you aren’t a political junkie, these guys won tonight. Kamala came in first of you are a political junkie and political angry. If you don’t follow politics and are angry then Kamala also wins. Gay Beto did well but too pedantic for most voters
  2. Fuck off blind libertarian
  3. Love the fuck the old people
  4. Is Biden slurring more than Trump?
  5. Bernie is all about platitudes
  6. Go Kamala Go Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Debatable Heyyyyy ohhhhh
  8. Pete is exactly right on China. Perfection of dictatorship
  9. I follow politics but 3 drinks in and didn’t get it until half way through
  10. /republican poster who would never vote from the party line
  11. Too inside the beltway. Should have called out Biden.
  12. Casper is more diverse than this woman
  13. NBC giving Kamala lots of air time. Corp America must want her over Warren
  14. McKinsey consultant
  15. Pulling him to the left
  16. I’m loving Kamala Warren Kamala ticket !
  17. “Superficial fixes” Is that an oxymoron
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