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Everything posted by happyfunball

  1. Here are some new stats that is just as useful https://www.google.com/search?q=random+number+generator&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS774US774&oq=ra&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i60j69i57j69i60l2j0.1744j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#
  2. Polling at this stage is only brand awareness and doesn’t mean shit for election
  3. Both are empty suits and have no real policy position besides saying they will unite the country. Oh, cool! Beto used to be in a band. Only reason people are mad at Schultz is that he won’t run as a D instead of an independent. I don’t see much sunlight between the two beside Beto’s cool factor.
  4. You are right. A centrist like Hillary would probably lose
  5. Any D will beat Trump. I have said over and over that Rs will paint any D candidate as a socialist so it won’t matter who they run. Obama proved a moderate position and an empty suit will be railroaded by Rs. In the field of D candidates, no one has made a compelling case for for Beto except he is cool and white hence the movie reference. Centrist Ds are in denial and think there will be a white, centrist savior.
  6. Found a movie for you Beto supporters.
  7. What changed from his senate run that made his position change? It highlights he has no positions and only wants to be elected. He is an empty suit with a skateboard. Republicans are going to cry socialism no matter what D runs and policy positions put forward.
  8. Beto is backing off universal Medicare. Dude is going to crash in the primary faster than a 737 Max Him and Howard Schultz can go circle jerk each other in the centrist party
  9. I deleted the first msg
  10. Double posting as tapa fucks up multiple twitter post
  11. My biggest issue is that Beto is another Obama. He is naive and will be played like a fiddle by Republicans, because he assumes certain rule / decorum will be played by Rs. The Rs have shown for the past 12? years that they don’t care about the US. They only care about their team.
  12. It shows many Rs are going to be implicated in the Russian election tampering. The party is dirty AF and trying to muddle the narrative.
  13. Anyone who wants bi-partisanship is fucking retarded. Rs have shown they will not play by normal standards and block any legislation that makes Ds look good even if it is a R policy position.
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