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Everything posted by happyfunball

  1. Also called Bean town because they love them beaners and open borders!!!!!
  2. I have only worked for F50 companies and directly reported to the executive committee who always complained about the healthcare so much so that one almost sued the company while working there. I have great healthcare now I work for a private company.
  3. I enjoy all his book. Half way through and always engaging. Not sure why I bought this one though.
  4. Depressing but engaging. Gives perspective on life.
  5. Am I wrong to still be using tubrotax? Sold and bought a house. Two W-2s, multiple 1099-int/div, but no obscure deductions/income. Single but turbotax shows me having almost $30k in deductions...
  6. I don't condone helping the enemy but damn Republicans next time at least go for someone at this caliber and not that Russian gun lady.
  7. It was damn created as part of a mining operation. The mine was being decommissioned.
  8. If it can be proven that it is a result of being a protected class (gender and race), it is illegal. It is probably very hard to prove a single case but in the Oracle and other tech companies it was systematic so the DoL argued that it was intentional as it was statistically impossible for it not to be given the disparity. /Not a lawyer
  9. Shutlz is only considering to run to scare Dems to select a moderate as the candidate. He is proving that he isn't a democrat and only wants to move the conversation to the right even though majority of Americans support Dems' policy proposals.
  10. http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/01/2020-primary-warren-biden-democrats-should-be-pragmatic-and-wage-class-war.html
  11. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2019/01/16/684589375/daily-movement-even-household-chores-may-boost-brain-health-in-elderly Terrible situation. Grandmother had it so my mom has been paranoid about it. Encourage your parents to be active.
  12. https://www.wsj.com/articles/big-railroads-dont-see-slowdown-on-horizon-for-u-s-economy-11548701083
  13. Disclosure: While a terrible company, they print money.
  14. The doves always argued that engagement would lead to reform. With Xi, there has been a significant reversal in China opening up. I don't believe it was one event but really hard to argue that engagement will lead to further reform in China when the country has become more hostile and brazen in their behavior since Xi has been in power.
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