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Everything posted by happyfunball

  1. Rosenstein expected to step down after new attorney general's confirmation That could take weeks.
  2. ^This Clinton, Obama, and Clinton x2 all fell for this by Republicans. Republicans are anchoring so far right that anyone who is moderate or even labelled D will be called socialist. Democrats need to elect their best candidate and stop trying to court these phantom Republicans who will vote D if moderate enough.
  3. Uh, data? Racial politics especially for Asians is very much split based on generation not race. I would argue that Latinos is more driven by education vs any other factor.
  4. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/04/nonfarm-payrolls-december-2018.html
  5. Trump showed all world leaders that he would make huge concessions for good PR via prisoner exchange. Every country now knows to deal with Trump the first step is to kidnap a US citizen.
  6. So you are willing be to be consistently wrong, because your inability to notice how no Republicans have truly broken ranks on anything of substance?
  7. AOC is another Republican case study that they will manufacture a controversy to fit their narrative. Dems need to stop taking strategy advice from Republicans
  8. Hugo's analysis is spot on about Romney like he was about Flake... 🙄
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