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Everything posted by happyfunball

  1. My critic was about Beto. I want Lizzie to be the nomination but doubt she will get it. Maybe she can be appointed treasury secretary
  2. Initial thought was agreement then I realized we are so outside normal times. We call crazy just Tuesday in this admin
  3. Deep water welders were making just north of 100K in early 2000s but lifespan was around 40. Anyone citing welders vs doctor pay is bs. Follows Republican lies that that poor people are lazy rather than they gutted the middle class
  4. Well, he is a corporist that is why. We had 8 years of obama disaster. We don’t want a repeat. I’d argue prove that he isn’t. vote lizzy!
  5. Iowa no longer matters biden and sanders won’t be the nomination
  6. What Happens When a Bad-Tempered, Distractible Doofus Runs an Empire? https://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/what-happens-when-a-bad-tempered-distractible-doofus-runs-an-empire
  7. Only time in history that prisoners dilemma that the participants chose the optimal solution
  8. if the check doesn't clear, you must acquit...no no that won't work if the toad hat doesn't match...no, not that either if the showers aren't golden...ah, i give up
  9. I strongly opposed Dan Patrick's bid for Lieutenant Governor that I left the ballot blank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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