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Everything posted by happyfunball

  1. Just stared but John McPhee is recently my favorite author and this is the third book that I am reading of his.
  2. Good, easy read on market timing through cycles
  3. Supposedly a writer’s writer. Complex structure and enjoyed the first half. So preachy that I wanted to stab the writer by the end
  4. Let me spell it out. If you are undermining the core institutions of government and our government is based on democracy, then ultimately you are undermining our democracy.
  5. So you lack a counter argument that taxing authority is fundamentally core part of government and that republicans are systemically undermining it.
  6. Next period?! We haven’t even escaped this nightmare scenario, and you are already saying dems will be worse. Laughable. Did you hold your nose and vote Trump or Cruz too?
  7. I’m still hoping Dems try to remove him post Trump
  8. The IRS as a case study is interesting, because its funding should be apolitical. It demonstrates that Republican idealogy is effectively about dismantling our democracy and its institutions not whatever bs philosophical arguement that they are selling.
  9. Another part of me thinks she is tired of being fucked by old white men?
  10. http://www.chinaaccountingblog.com/weblog/pcaob-enlists-in-the-trade.html
  11. BI sucks but this is funny https://www.businessinsider.com/google-hearing-congress-ted-lieu-steve-king-2018-12
  12. Anyone bagging on AOC intelligence should be watching the Google hearing
  13. Beto would be a terrible pick. Dems need a fighter that will win not just a nice person
  14. IRS case study https://www.propublica.org/article/how-the-irs-was-gutted
  15. I had a lot of issues with places accepting credit card and ability to withdraw cash. I'd suggest having cash in case.
  16. Random photos from over the years Had to go to Din Tai Fung for a work dinner. That place sucks.
  17. Poor Maggie must have fallen out of favor. She was tweeting there was no back up
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