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Everything posted by happyfunball

  1. Not comparable at all Very common in China to appoint family members to key positions. She also has been almost de facto running Hauwei for the past year. She is seen as the successor
  2. We wouldn’t waste on something so small This is a huge deal https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-china-huawei-tech-exclusive/exclusive-u-s-probe-of-chinas-huawei-includes-bank-fraud-accusations-sources-idUSKBN1O528D
  3. Uh, not a chance. This case has been in the works for years
  4. See trade war thread. Could go way of ZTE
  5. The CFO, who was arrested, is the daughter of the founder too
  6. Looks like the deep state is ignoring Trumps progress with President Xi
  7. Tariffs aren’t really the main issue for US/ China trade. It is other barriers to market entry for US firms to be able to sell to Chinese consumers and lack of other protections (eg IP/ tech theft)
  8. https://www.ft.com/content/d613cf8e-ec09-11e8-89c8-d36339d835c0
  9. Trump, "Bora, Bora is a lovely place but not as great as one of my resorts. I can't believe that Obama couldn't find Osama quicker given how small Bora Bora is as an island"
  10. I agree that Trump has screwed up the opportunity to work with int'l allies to contain China, but he is the first President who rightly has taken an aggressive stance against Beijing. Trump has given the int'l community air cover to push back again China.
  11. Chola for Congress has a nice ring to it.
  12. I hope Trump isn't impeached as it will make 2020 a continued blood bath for Republicans
  13. A part of the problem is the media even the failing NY Times!
  14. Interesting how if the US played it right that we could easily contain China given the push back by majority of countries.. https://macropolo.org/reform-and-opening/
  15. We could automate his ranting / tweets
  16. I am. The sum of parts analysis is pretty compelling but it will be a painful ride.
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