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Everything posted by happyfunball

  1. Any suggestions downtown that aren't American cuisine?
  2. @Chrispy and @Thetexashammer it is ok to admit that minorities scare you
  3. The irony is that on Facebook, etc the most shared media is right wing news so actually social networks have amplieified right wing news not suppressed it. Social media has only started to block conspiracy theory and hate speech on the fringe. It is even more ironic the outcry against social media from conservatives because effectively the only items being suppressed is the postings that are equivalent of “kill all the jews” but only when it is shared millions of times. Example being is that the recent letter bomber had sent multiple threats on twitter but was never banned. So no, speech isn’t being limited even by the free market. Sorry you can’t incite violence against other segments of the populous.
  4. Statistically correct. I posted in another forum
  5. Central Austin rain better stop or I’m going to be eating way too much candy.
  6. Maybe it was t Swift who convinced him https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/taylor-swift-announces-vote-democrat-phil-bredesen-tennessee-senate-race-n926321
  7. Hahahha, suck it! https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trade-perdue/u-s-agriculture-chief-says-no-plan-to-extend-farm-aid-to-offset-tariffs-idUSKCN1N32JW
  8. Scientists Confirm China as Major Source of Banned Ozone-Depleting Chemicals https://e360.yale.edu/digest/scientists-confirm-china-as-major-source-of-banned-ozone-depleting-chemicals
  9. Why I prefaced as serious question. I don’t know the law market
  10. Being a constitutional lawyer doesn’t bring in the clients. I don’t see many law firms want to hire someone who burned so many political bridges. Maybe Jones Day but they are tied to the whole Republican Party so not sure there either
  11. Serious question. Who would actually hire Cruz if he lost? He didn’t build in long term favors in the senate and lacks ability to run for president again.
  12. Has even Kanye abandoned Trump?!!!
  13. I dated a Jewish girl in college. She had jewbies, and they were spectacular. Wait, what were we talking about again? You can't fake jewbies so I am against Jews for Jesus.
  14. You are trying to legitimize a racist policy that solves a problem that isn't an issue. It is news cycle fodder as you say and only reinforces Trump's racist base. By trying to legitimize this policy, you are enabling racist.
  15. Also increased tax incentives for having additional children
  16. Also, those countries have a lot higher taxes and social support system. Do you support their policy of high taxes?
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